European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: |Ebola|
Week: October 15-21 2001
International Ladder
Friday - October 19
International Classic CTF
- by Ethereal @ ClanBase
With the launch of Threewave, there has been a revival of the Classic CTF mod for Quake 3. Responding to the increase in clans and matches for Classic CTF, Clanbase has created an International Classic CTF ladder for you to compete in. Clanleaders can sign up for it through the 'Admin' and 'Ladders' link :
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CTF, but not Quake :)
Wednesday - October 17
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Tuesday October 16
Season 7
- by Bigfoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
The Divisions have been posted for Season 7.
The league has been increased in size by 10 clans to 84 in total.
The finalised divisions and fixtures will be posted next weekend with the league starting on the 28th/29th of October.
The next week or so i will use to finalise the divisions, maybe tweak the rules a bit more and of course decide on the map pool.
The only maps which i have definitely decided to include this season so far as q3w1, q3w2, q3w3 and q3wcp5. I reckon we need probably another 2 or 3, so if you have any suggestions then feel free to post them on
this thread
on the BarrysWorld Forums.
Possible maps for inclusion are q3ctf2 (from id), q3wcp1, q3wcp11, q3wcp12, q3w4 (from the 3wave mod) and ctctf1 & ctctf2 from the Chickenteam pak.
More @ : [BWQ3L-CTF]
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
September 23 2001
clan WR

Warriors of the Realm
Tuesday October 16
Review @ Multiplayer Zone
- source: Kerbuffel @
Multiplayer Zone has posted the first Threewave review to hit the web.
EgGy @ Multiplayer Zone :
The basic concept of Threewave, when the project originally begun, was to create and expand on what seemed to be a very weak CTF, capture the flag, mode created by iD Software. Threewave started life as a few extra CTF maps but over the last few releases it has evolved and we have had new UI's (User Interface's) and new game modes. This release though is the first finished package; they've tweaked the game modes for maximum playability and polished up the maps till they’re gleaming.
You can read the rest of the review over at the Multiplayer Zone:
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Monday October 15
First Impressions - by |Ebola|
After playing the new Threewave Mod for 3 days on
JOLT's server I can only say the mod is wonderful :)
After each game all players enter a 'Map vote room' with 8
'Gates' each with a selection of maps where you vote by you jumping into the image of the map you like (or jump into 'Random Selection')... then you get teleported into a 'Mini-Game' where you can waste some time until everybody in the 'Map vote room' has made a choice or the vote timelimit is reached... after the 'Mini-Game' ends eveybody gets teleported into the
'Game Type Portal' where you can vote for the CTF variant you want to play (CTF,CCTF, CTFS),
when I was playing, most elections were won by CCTF (classic ctf) and sometimes Capture Strike (CTFs) I never played Q3CTF ;P
In most games I played there were lots of players and at the time I write this (8:50 cet in the morning) there are 10 players playing the mod on the Jolt server :) I also seen indications on Q3CTF competition sites they are thinking of
making this mod the 'official' tournament mod due to the massive popularity.
Some Servers: (north-west europe)
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- New server discovery every 10 minutes - existing servers refreshed every 60 seconds
Savage Champions
Q2CTF Season 15
Savage Champions
Monday - October 15
aft (aftershock) Season15 Champions !
- by Andy @
In division 1 aft (aftershock) and
LD50 (Lethal Dose 50) fought it out (36 points each at the end of the season), a close game on q2ctf05b meant aft took a lead of one map in the playoffs. The second game on lfctf1 saw LD50 take an early lead and for some time it looked like a third map would be needed (ctf2 it would have been), but aft became stronger and won the map.
So aft win the SavageUK division 1 title for season 15, 2-1(Q2CTF05b) and 6-5(LFCTF1).
A good come back from aft.
Congratulations aft :)
CTF Observer [Hall of Fame] Updated.
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SuperCap2 Trophy | Q3CTF
SuperCap2 Trophy | Q3CTF
Monday October 14