European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola
Week: March 5-11 2001
Saturday - March 10
CL/CLL | ChampionsLeague
sic beat AGC in a dramatic game
- by: kotti @ ChampionsLeague
AGC had sucked in their last game against DdB and sic didn't impress me much either in their last game against ASF. Now it was time for these two to meet in a very important match for both. AGC chose ctf1 and
sic, of course, ctf5.
A full match-report written by kotti can be found on the ChampionsLeague site here:
[Report | AGC v sic]

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![[AGC v Asic] CL/CLL](matches/agc-sic_09032001.jpg)
[AGC v sic]
Fast grapple action by [AGC]morten in q2ctf1...

Friday - March 9

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Starting at Monday march-12 you will find Weekly reports here at CTF Observer dealing with the ClanBase Q2CTF and Q3CTF
Cups... You'll find an overview of all played group-matches of the previous week until the the play-offs will begin.
Midweek-Tournament-2 | Week-4
- by FruitBat @ SavageUK.com
Due to technical problems on the Match Servers Thursday night we have had to cancel all matches this week in the Midweek
Tournament .. Players where getting kicked from the servers while trying to connect so with no possibility of a quick fix by NGUK it was with regret that we had to cancel the Midweek Tournament for tonight. The schedule will all be moved forward a week so the matches that should have been played tonight will be played next week.
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Thursday - March 8

helping out in defence on cctf5 to stop
with 5 minutes to go the score was tied at 7-7 but *raGe* pulled away in the final minutes to win the match with
- by Andy @ SavageUK.com
A few good games happened in CCTF this week...
A few clans did drop from the league early in the season, so when defaults have occurred friendlies have been planned.
raGe v UKSG : 12-7
- by Andy @ SavageUK.com
A good close game with stacks of action. raGe managing to stay one or two caps ahead as the scores climbed, until
UKSG pulled level at 7-7, with only a few minutes remaining. raGe then seemed find another gear and stepped
up their performance, scoring five more caps in those vital last minutes.
Fun game to play, a bit frustrating from our end as we'd worked hard to pull it back after a poor start to finally tie with 5 mins left only to fall apart and concede 5 caps before they end. It was a very good performance from raGe conisdering they played with 5 for nearly the whole game (skydancer had connection problems leading to a 400 ping) and raGe's q2 experience paid off aginst us, where most of us are used to the different style that is q3ctf. Good fun game tho :)
oG v nAo : 6-3
- by nAo-DNM @ SavageUK.com
Last Tuesday night another nAo defeat! ... This time it was at the hands of oG, a clan that have never posed us a problem in the past .. So what happened? Pure and simple, they had their tactics spot on, we didn't. The main problem was the strange decision to have so many of our players in defence which makes clear shot rails virtually impossible... the bunching in defence allowed oG free reign of midfield practically, tooling and teaming up to cause chaos in our base.
Final score was 6:3 to them after we had taken an initial 3:1 lead. There's an apathy setting in, of that I have no doubt,
I just hope we can shake it out of ourselves and soon. Very well played oG, you totally deserved your victory.
Some demos of week-5 matches here: |
[UKSG v raGe] |
[nAo v oG] |
For a full overview of results and season fixtures go here :
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Wednesday - March 7

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- Source: Ve @
Ve makes note of a game called 'Capture the Flag' on the ChampionsLeague.org site...
"It's a DOS game, rocks :)" -Ve
Could this the first 'Capture the Flag' computer game ?
"Capture the Flag" is a strategy shareware game for DOS created by Carr-Software
On the right you see a small screenshot of a part of the play area with a red and blue player and a flag.
Visit Carr-Software's CTF page to
view a bigger shot and read all the details about the game...
Carr-Software's first version of 'Capture The Flag' dates from 1992... Zoid's CTF for Quake1, the oficial public release, dates from November 21st 1996 (quake1 released around June '96)... so it might well be possible that Zoid got the idea from
Carr-Software :)
PsL (Public software Library) gave Capture the Flag their 'ONE OF THE BEST NEW PROGRAMS OF 1992' award.

[carrsoft | ctf]
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Tuesday - March 6
CL/CLL | ChampionsLeague
DdB took out AGC easy in their first playoff fight
- by: ReY @ ChampionsLeague
The fights between these two clans have usually been fairly even, but that was to change now. DdB gave AGC
no chance at all.
First map, ctf1, AGC got ALL of the techs, but were pretty confused what to do with all of them, AGC held on to the amp for a pretty long while and also got the first cap after about 2 mins... After this there was some intense fighting for quad and a DdB cap and a cross-steal. The quad fights kept getting harder and harder for AGC as DdB kept getting more and more of the quads. With about 2 mins remaining, DdB wiped out AGC's base and capped, not once, but four friggin times before the timelimit was hit! 5-1 final score.
Next map, ctf2, DdB took the first quad, second quad, third quad, etc... DdB crushed AGC 12-0 that map without problems what so ever. I think this is a team we can count on seeing again in the semis.
[sic] get their first playoff win over ASF
- by: kotti @ ChampionsLeague
[sic] of course had "surprised" BBQ in their last match but at that time ASF didn't even know that they were in the playoffs too. But since M22 went inactive and F1 were banned they made it to the top 10. Anyways sic was the big favorite to take this one home but it was much more "equal" than one would have thought. |
Full report by kotti :
[report | sic v ASF]
|tm| *erm* raped DUFF
- by: Murvel @ ChampionsLeague
The famous |tm| g-monki FeTTe practically owned the CTF1 arena, making lots of easy caps. Eventhough it was with a little bit of help from chainin' JooZ :). Map ended, lots to 1.
CTF2, DUFFS choice, also ended up in a lots against.. hmm.. nothing. victory to |tm|. GeGe!
[gege is (tm) Ebola, hihi]
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![[DdB v AGC] CL/CLL](matches/ddb-agc_04032001.jpg)
[DdB v AGC]
[DdB]mouho about to frag quad [AGC]morten with a grenade...

- by: Sir @ ChampionsLeague
You maybe noticed that there was no summary to read last week. Well, the ladder was closed and no playoff battle was played so I found it pretty useless to write one. This week on the other hand was the first of the playoffs and several battles were played.
- [Weekly Report #4]

Tuesday - March 6

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raGe get beaten
- by LJ @ SavageUK.com
If I am informed correctly then *raGe* had problems with getting 6 players Sunday night which means that their title chase is very much dented. ZP meanwhile march on.
From match-start until the end {AFC} played raGe with 1 more player, Great sports, Not.
- Ebola
Q2 3-Team-CTF |
Week 2 over
- by LJ @ SavageUK.com
Last Sunday... DS take top spot in Division-1 after GnA come in second in their match with [o] and
aft... Meanwhile TJD take top spot in Division-2 with a win over [S-D] and UKSG.
Season-5 News
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
Registration has now closed for Season 5 of the BWQ3CTFL. We have 77 clans registered as taking part, any new clans will be added to the waiting list to replace those who drop out. Due to the unusual number i am waiting to see what happens as i expect at least 1 clan to fold / be withdrawn before the season starts meaning that we will get to a nice round number.
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