European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola
Week: December 4-10
Saturday - December 9
Returns |
- by V3N0M @
Friday night the ThreeWave Website, Zoid's Capture The Flag site, has returned with avengence and announced two upcoming map packs from the ThreeWave brand; a sequel to the ThreeWave CTF Pack released last year which will contain five all-new CTF maps, and a compilation pack of the best user-made CTF maps.
The new maps released by ThreeWave will have support for Team Arena. The maps in the compilation pack are being updated to fix/change anything the author wanted to fix up from the inital release, as well as adding support for the new Team Arena weapons, entities, and gametypes. Improved bot support is also promised, on top of everything else. The compilation pack will contain eight updated and revised versions of the best CTF maps the community has to offer, and a second pack is already planned. The maps to be included in the compilation packs will be from 16 different authors.
If you wander through the ThreeWave site, you can get a sneak peak at the second ThreeWave CTF map pack by checking out the appropriate section on the website. The sneak peak is only two screenshots, but the site advises you to keep your eyes on it, and the compilation pack page.
Quake 2|Lives!
- by Kerbuffel @
Even though games like Quake3, Unreal Tournament and Counter-Strike dominate the number of servers, a classic still
prevails among the ranks of the top 5 played games online. Quake2, even though it's three years old, still enjoys great popularity with the old school crowd. We found several Quake2 players and asked them why they're still playing and then wrote up a nice article. It's pretty interesting, so Check it out.
[Quake2 Lives!]
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Friday - December 8

Q3CCTF Season0
nAo Win Season 0 of the CCTF league
- by IT @
Its been a rocky season, with a few defaults along the way. But we've managed to finish it.
Congratulations to Clan nAo (new Age outcasts) for winning Division 1, and Congratulations to
TJD (The Justice Department) for winning Div 2.
Not this Tuesday, but next Tuesday (19/12/2000) there will be the Classic CTF champions match, clan TJD will choose one map ... and clan nAo will choose the other. Both teams will play one game on each map. The over all winner takes CCTF Champions Season 0 Title. The first game will be @ 8pm (uk) and game 2 will be 9pm (uk).
Next Season|Season-1
If you vist the Q3Classic CTF section, you will notice perhaps .. that registrations are now open for Season 1 of SavageUKs Classic CTF league. Registrations are starting now, but due to Boxing day being on Tuesday 26th December, and then the following Tuesday being the 2nd of January, I don't realistically think I can start Season 1 Until January the 9th. However If possible and depending on the number of registrations I will try to run a cup during the festive season. Keep looking here for more updates.
From me and the rest of the Classic CTF admins, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. - >>>IT<<<
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Fall 2000
Fall 2000
Friday - December 8
Non European CTF Stuff
Non European CTF Stuff
Non European CTF Stuff
Non European CTF Stuff
Wednesday - December 6
Classic CTF
The Nexus|Hardfought
CCTF 'Saturday Night Game'
Classic CTF Saturday Night Game
- by Kerbuffel @
The Nexus is sponsoring a new event for fans of Classic CTF.
The Saturday Night game promises to be a lot of fun for anyone who wants to play. For now, you can just show up on the server on a Saturday night, and you can play some kick ass matches of Classic CTF.
For more details on how it works, head over to
|The Nexus website|
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Wednesday - December 6

[F1 vs aBu] for the 12th place
- by Murvel @
The fight between the two equal clans F1 and aBu concluded with a question mark. Was this fight fair? Was it
correct? And the answer is, of course it was. It was a good game, until it all came together in chaos for F1. Both clans
had their share of wins before this one, eventhough aBu had some losses aswell :) |
Full report @ CL/CLL:
[Report | F1 v aBu]
[AGC] beat [o8] convincinly
- by kotti @
The Norwegians who like Bergen faced the Swedes who like Stockholm last night in an interesting game. Both were eager to
show their current skills but though I thought it would be an even match there was never a question about the winner.
Full report @ CL/CLL:
[Report | AGC v 08]

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Fall 2000
Date set !
|tm| vs raGE
Sunday 20.00 CET |tm| and raGe will meet in a best of 5 maps, for the first place in the Q2CTF Cup.
Details on broadcast will follow later on.
Previous Cup
The previous Cup (Spring-2000) was won by DTF (DutchTacticalFighters) they defeated ZP in the final, third
place went to TQA. |
See also CTF Observer: [10-06-2000]
[q3ctf cup]
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Tuesday December 5
Season 4
Last Sunday/Monday | Week-2...
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
A pretty good 2nd week, only the 2 defaults on the monday and of course the postponed games from Sunday due to the CPL. Some clans turned up on Sunday night expecting to postpone, we did give notice that you should have contacted me prior to your games but i think it was only a couple of results which were influenced by this, if any. All tables and results are up to date...
Next week: Week-3 |
This week sees the use of the first "non standard" map this season, Japan Castles. If you have not got this map yet you can get it from the league maps section of the
[barrysworld ftp | q3 maps].

{VFC}DeAdHeAd stealing MEX's flag and trying to escape in Q3CTF3
Division-2 Fight|MEX v VFC
- by MEX.WaRFaRE @ mexicans.co.uk
We played our Barrysworld game vs VFC, and wow. It was a very intence game, left skiddys in me pants
First map was
VFC attacked hard, with MEX foiling their first few attacks, it took a while for MEX to get a proper attack in, but we finally managed it. Taking scores to 1-0, then closely after taking it to 2-0. VFC then had a come back and capped taking the scores to 2-1. A few more minutes of non stop action, before MEX broke through VFC's defence taking it to 3-1 then 4-1.
Next we played
now this is in no way MEX's fave map. MEX started off with a defenceive role, which they carried out most of the whole game. Controlling mid for the first 15 minutes before VFC broke through and kept hitting us with fast strikes and weakening our defence. We struggled to get mid back, which we did for a while. VFC nearly made it to mid with our flag, but MEX managed to return it some how :) | 0-0
It was a great pleasure to play VFC, they were friendly and fair. I am really looking forward to playing this clan again, thanx for the great game guys....

Q3CTF3: Only after about 9 minutes the first flag was stolen... during the whole map
only a few flag-steals occured but most of the time the flag-carriers never managed to get out of the enemy base alive... those who did escape died on the midfield.
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
October 30 2000
clan CN

Chopstick Ninjas
You can find demos of some of the leagues games on the BarrysWorld FTP:
is where to point your browsers/ftp clients. Each week more demos will be added, so its worth checking back regularly.
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
Monday - December 4
SavageEuro goes live
- by Andy @ SavageUK
is the home for upcoming Savage European Quake3 CTF Championships.
So far there are 19 countires registered and more to come...
So what's it all about?
The Savage European Q3 CTF Championships is a competition to see who has the best national Q3 CTF team in Europe.
Which countries can enter?
Any Country who is classed as part of Europe.
The finals are to be held at a large LAN event in the UK and given enough sponsorship the finalists will have travelling and lodging expenses paid.
Entries are invited from Luxembourg, Russia, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech republic and any other European country not yet registered.
For more information visit
email ODEE (odell@tinyworld.co.uk) alternatively contact ODEE or Slave in #euroctf (irc.quakenet.eu.org).
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Monday - December 4

Fight for #9th|
sic v JAG
- by Murvel @
Sunday sic faced JAG in a battle for the 9th place in the q2ctf ladder.
Sic was eager to show that they are one of the top clans, that belongs in the top 10. Plus they wanted to get their
revenge from the last game against DdB. But JAG was the challenger so they definitely didn't want loose the
opportunity to beat up sic in order to gain some positions.
Full match-report @ the CLL site here:
[ sic v jag | report ]

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Q3CTF Maps in TeamArena ?
- by Kerbuffel @
The 4 original CTF maps that shipped with Q3A will be included in Team Arena. We've made some nice changes to the maps. Added support for all the new game-types, added the team powerups to most of the maps, and changed the architecture somewhat (CTF1, 2 and 3 got overhauled rather nicely)
If you guys liked the original Q3 CTF maps, I think you'll really like the changes =)
The maps in Q3CTF weren't that bad (No Q2CTF maps.. and definately not L-Fire quality... but not half bad) so here's hoping they're pretty good. :)
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Q3CTF League
Little set-back|Week-2 Postponed
- by Ebola
The current play-round 'Week-2' of the
EQ3L CTF League
is postponed until next week because according to EQ3L their hosting company has made, as
league-admin Odyssey calls it, 'a right royal fuckup'...
Sob :*(
- by Odyssey @
When our fileserver went boom they somehow managed to screw up all the recent backup data aswell, which its going to take then a maximum of 5 days and many thousands of pounds to retrieve. On the plus side I have a copy of the EQ3L databse upto Thursday but alot of the pages need changes making to them again that I have already done once for them to work properly.
For last Week 1 we are going to collect all results manually. We will have to postpone week 2 until next week unfortunatly but by then we should have 16 results and be ready to roll again.
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
Monday - December 4
Q2 3tCTF
Q2 3-Team-CTF
- by LJ @ SavageUK
On one of the largest maps of the 3tctf league there weren't as many low scoring games as I thought there would be.
IF managed to secure another win to keep them hot on the heels of DS who also won their game. IF beat LD50 and a merc team for ZOO, while DS only allowed their opponenets to get one cap and still score a shed load over FRE and the new comers Hg.
Division-2: D2 saw a close game between AFT, WkB and UKSG with AFT narrowly winning it. The game ended in a 10 minute flag stand off which was very amusing as both clans holding the other flag needed to cap to get the 2nd place spot. In the end they had to settle for a draw behind AFT. Meanwhile GnA walked over their opponents TAA and TJD to keep tabs on AFT at the top.
Previous Savage 3tCTF Demos can be found in the demo-archive at savageuk:
Beware though this site only works in IE for the moment.
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