European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I've added
Clan E
to the * Hall of Fame * !
Clan E won the ClanBase Q3CTF CUP Spring 2000 on June 14, 2000...
Congratulations Clan E ! :)
You can find the Hall of Fame
* Here *
[*] Top of Page
Spring 2000

Clan E victorious !
Clan E wins the Quake 3 CTF - by [admin]Nealz
Clan E v AoS: 3-0 (in maps) : 9-1 (in captures)
Very nice match, demos and screenshots are up, report will be online soon...
Shots & report by [admin]Nealz:
Match demos (6) at clanbase here:
[Clan E]Ethereal:
AOS played a very good game! Au contraire to what people are saying with '0wned' or
'raped' or whatever, I think AOS gave us a hell of a time. Just watch the demo's and see the number of drops and
pickups, flag exchanges and barely-made captures. I also want to compliment AOS on a game played very sportsmanlike. These guys have good skills and a nice attitude and they will go a long way babey!
[Clan E]Whez:
A very exciting 3 set match with QTV and Live reporting via Winamp. From what we gathered, many of our friends, people from DM tuned into the match broadcasts and they came into our channel afterwoulds for big bash =:)
We have to mention a big thanks to Clanbase and Admin Nealz and the other admins, along with our friends AoS who show an exemplary attitude towards the game, and one which clans should all be.
Caitiri @
One thing I noticed is that they played all three games 5v5, quite different than our usual 4v4 standard. It made for a very crowded and hectic ctf2, and the middle battles on ctf3 were quite intense.
Related clan links:
Clan E |
Clan AoS
ClanBase Q3CTF
CUP Spring 2000
Clan E