European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: |Ebola|
Week: March 19-25 2001
Friday - March 23
CL/CLL | ChampionsLeague
Semi Finalists
- by |Ebola|
Yesterday was the last day of the group-matches in the Q2CTF Play-Offs...
In the last 4 weeks of group-matches all teams in a group faced each other once in a two map game.
The first two finishers in each group will now advance to the semi-finals which look like this:
ChampionLeague | Semi-Finals
[BBQ v 08] | [tm v DdB]
[ChampionsLeague | Play-Offs]
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Thursday - March 22

Newsflashes |
Newsflashes |
Season 1 ends next week...
- by Andy @ SavageUK.com
Last Tuesday we had to postpone the last game of season-1 for a week...
Something seems to have gone awry with the system that brings up our servers and unfortunately we couldn't get hold of anyone to fix it last night. So season 1 will be completed next week.
See also last week's CCTF item in CTF Observer:
[Last Week | CCTF]
Week6 preview...
- by Slave @ SavageUK.com
In a column update that makes it sound like he has far too much time on his hands .. Thor has written a preview for this weeks coming games in the Savage Q3CTF Sunday League ..
You'd best get a large cup of coffee and get comfy before reading it here:
Season-5 News
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
Season-5 will start on this Sunday 25th March / Monday 26th March...
Defending Champions are clan IQS, 'International Quake Squad', from Belgium
See also CTF Observer:
[February 19-25 | IQS]
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Wednesday - March 21
CL/CLL | ChampionsLeague
[ChampionsLeague | Play-Offs]
beat up
- by Murvel @ ChampionsLeague.org
Tuesday|March 20th : noll8 v AGC...
Famous Stockholm boys noll8faced the Bergen boys in a fight which turned out to be.. well, not so exciting. So after the usual whining and spitting on the CL.Admin (:P) the fight started with ctf1 on TnX. Noll8 started out getting the amp and dis, while AGC got the doc and acc. AGC had serious trouble reaching the quad with a boosted guy and Noll8 got most of the quads, with Boffa doing alot of heavy quadwork for Noll8. They got a few simple caps in the beginning, and they kept rolling in. Morten made a nice flag steal after a while though, but at that time it was too late. Mapscore: 7-2 to Noll8.
I really don't know how the other map went, since I can't connect to the ASF server :/. But I heard that the first 5 mins determined the faith of ctf2 aswell. Mapscore: 13-1 which made a total of 20-3 to Noll8.
- by Nikodemus @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : BBQ v |tm|...
CTF1: BBQ started well and got bot Amp and Doc in the start, leaving tm with only Haste and Disp. They even managed to take the lead after a couple of minutes. After that tm started to get better control of the things and after several attacks managed to draw the game and then pretty quickly take 4-1 lead. A few minutes remaining BBQ made one more cap and the map ended 4-2 for tm.
CTF2: BBQ got amp again, and the disp, while tm had the rest of them. tm also got the first quad and managed to gain the initiative with that. They got the next three quads and managed to cap once before it was BBQ's turn to start getting quads. After a while the game had turned to 5-1 for BBQ.. then tm managed to get their last cap, after which BBQ capped another three flags, ending the map 8-2 for them. Thus the total score was 10-6 for BBQ.
on frags
- by kotti @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : DdB v sic...
CTF5|TnX. DdB was lucky enough to get amp but sic got doc and accel. Like in their previous games
sic played very aggressively but that didn't help much since DdB concentrated on defending :P With 3 guys and the amp in the base DdB hang on for most of the time and sic got their flag out of their base only a couple of times. In sic's base it was much more quiet, morto was camping in their rocket launcher preventing the desperate attacks of DdB. It looked as this round would end in a 0-0 tie but sic pressured hard the last minutes and was able to cap when just over a minute was left of the round but DdB of course got more frags.
CTF2|eDome sic got the first cap though DdB was the one pressuring more. Both teams got quads but getting the flag across the middlefield was hard to say the least. The turning point of this game was when sic lost the amp when some 10 minutes were left. DdB quickly got a 3-1 lead and though sic pressured hard in the final minutes they only managed to cap once, and that was 6 seconds from the end. So the caps were tied but
DdB got more frags on both maps and so won.
- by kotti @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : noll8 v sic...
Monday night wasn't a very good night to sic. First they lost to DdB on frags and right after that match had ended it was time to face the Stockholm boys noll8.
[CL Report | noll8 v sic]
- by fuel @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : T v DUFF...
In the last match of Group B T and DUFF faced eachother. Since neither team competed for a place in the semifinals, neither team had highstakes in the match. However, the match was fun to watch, with loads of action on all sections of the map.
[CL Report | T v DUFF]
- by fuel @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : BBQ v T...
In a night full of matches BBQ played their first game of the night versus T.
BBQ were fighting for the 1st place of Group B, while T had a remote hope of getting the second place, but to do this they had to beat BBQ - perferably by many caps.
[CL Report | BBQ v T]
No Shows:
- by fuel @ ChampionsLeague.org
Monday|March 19th : aBu v |tm|...
aBu have left the playoffs, therefore |tm| won their match against the finns by a walkover.
[10-0, 5-0 per map].
Sunday|March 18th : ASF v AGC...
Due to not having enough players for the match, ASF were forced to hand AGC a walkover-victory.
The result of this is that AGC won the match by 10-0, 5-0 per map.
Sunday|March 18th : aBu v DUFF...
Since finnish clan aBu were forced to leave the playoffs due to lack of active players, DUFF were given a walkover-victory against them. [10-0 in caps, 5-0 per map]

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Boosted with a megahealth [agc]morten escapes noll8's base in
the opening minute of CTF1 and captures soon after...


ClanBase Q3CTF Cup Spring 2001
Q3CTF Cup Spring 2001
Cup Spring 2001
Spring 2001
Tuesday - March 20
'Spring 2001'
[March 12-18]
Wednesday March 14 |
[Cx v E] |
Cx from Belgium defeated Three time Savage Q3CTF 'Champions' Clan E (Holland/UK)
in an exiting 3 mapper... (3-2 to E | 8-3 to Cx | 2-1 to Cx)
E managed to win the 1st map .. but Cx surprised them with their map choose of the 2nd map, and it seemed E wasn't prepared for Japanctf , so Cx won that one... the 3rd map was wctf3 which Cx won too in an close, exiting match ...
[Score: 4-2 to Cx]
Sunday March 18 |
[XTC v IO] & [MAD v BnL] |
In the SecondLeague|Group-A BnL from France had no problem defeating German clan MAD in two straight maps...
[Score: 4-0 to BnL]
In the ThirdLeague|Group-B XTC from Belgium defeated IO from Holland in two maps (4-1/1-0)
[Score: 4-0 to XTC]
1 week break [march 19-25]
- by: Lex` @ ClanBase.com
U have to know that every cup has a break week, also this cup. Now the time has come!! No wars, no killing and also time to sort out some stuff. Any week 1-3 matches not played yet have to be played this week.
Group matches | Play-offs
During the first 7 match weeks, the clans in each poule play against each other. The 3 highest ranked clans of each poule advance to the playoffs.
[clanbase q2ctf cup | rankings]
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![[Cx v E] CB Q3CTF Cup](matches/cx-e_14032001.jpg)
[Cx v E]
Third map...
Whez.E in an attempt to recover the flag...
E took lead (1-0) after a lengthy cross-steal but
Cx capped about a minute later to even the score (1-1), later
VeRTeX*Cx stole flag, lost it, but Warlock*Cx picked-up the lost
flag and scored the final cap and the match-winner. (2-1)

ClanBase Q2CTF Cup Spring 2001
Q2CTF Cup Spring 2001
Cup Spring 2001
Spring 2001
Monday - March 19
'Spring 2001'
[March 12-18]
Monday March 12 |
[ZP v sic] & [PIS vs T2] |
First thing to report is that sic from Sweden left the cup after they lost their match versus PremierLeague|Group-B leaders ZP (Holland)... The reason for their departure is that sic are sick of 'clanbase pings'.
... disappointing since they are a good clan performing well in the CLL but understandable.
[Score: 4-0 to ZP].
On the same day T2 faced PIS in the SecondLeague|Group-B...
First level, q2ctf2, ended in a win for German clan T2 with 6 caps against 4 to PIS
from Holland.... Second map, ctf05b, ended in a draw (2-2)...
T2 lead their Group as of this moment.
[Score: 3-1 to T2]
Thursday March 15 |
[KfK v X] + [WTF? v PDL] & [iM v IBM] |
Thursday saw three matches of which two were SecondLeague|Group-A matches and the third a
PremierLeague|Group-A match...
Clan KfK from Holland defeated retro clan X also from Holland in the
[Score: 4-0 to KfK]
In the SecondLeague|Group-A WTF? (Europe) defeated PDL (Holland) in unfair conditions... after
a server crash and problems with spectators not willing to leave the new server PDL
lost a player and a backup-player WTF? played with 5 against 4 and won.
[Score: 4-0 to WTF]
Also in the SecondLeague|Group-A was the game between current group leaders iM from Holland and IBM from Italy...
[Score: 4-0 to iM]
Group matches | Play-offs
During the first 7 match weeks, the clans in each poule play against each other. The 3 highest ranked clans of each poule advance to the playoffs.
[clanbase q2ctf cup | rankings]
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![[T2 v PIS] CB Q2CTF Cup](matches/t2-pis_12032001.jpg)
[T2 v PIS]
Flag-carrier [PIS]Jack entering own base trough the famous door in CTF05b which was just
opened from the inside by [PIS]Sent...

Savage European Q3CTF Championships
Monday - March 19
| Week-1 [March 17-23]
- by |Ebola|
17th March Saturday
[Switzerland vs Portugal]
Switserland wins...
... the pings were a little high on both sides, nobody complained about it,
they all tried to make the best of it.
[Challenge-EU Report]
[Germany v Greece]
Germany wins...
Greece was willing to play under horrible server conditions...
[Challenge-EU Report]
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[ www.savageeuro.com ]