European QuakeCTF competition news                 
 Headlines Main Editor: |Ebola|      Week: March 12-18 2001  
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Reports from the European QuakeCTF front

[^]H E A D L I N E S
[^] Latest:
[^] Savage Euro Q3CTF The Capturing Begins Saturday
[^] Earlier this week:
[^] SavageUK Q3CCTF: Season-1|Week-6...
[^] Music: Quake2ctf.mp3 by Fingertips
[^] ChampionsLeague Q2CTF Play-Offs...
[^] ClanBase Q3CTF Cup Spring 2001 Last Week
[^] ClanBase Q2CTF Cup Spring 2001 Last Week
[^] Previous Week...

|QuakeCTF|Reigning Champions|

Q3CCTF Classic CTF
Q3 DemoPlayer: GeekPlay
Play Q3 CTF/CCTF Demos by Double-Clicking !!!
(plays demos from .zip files to, mods supported)
      Netherlands United Kingdom Sweden Norway Finland Denmark Iceland Italy Germany France Belgium
    Upcoming Competition Rounds

YM league Q1 NQCTF Season 2 Completed
* MC season-2 Champions !

ClanBase Q2CTF CUP Spring 2001
Week-4 : [March 12-18]
* |tm| fall-2000 Champions !

Savage League Q2CTF Season-13
Week-5 : [march 18] map: q2ctf3
* ZP season-12 Champions !
* YWN season-12 CUP winners !

Savage League Q2 3tCTF Season-7
Week-4 [March 18] map: 3tctf7
* DS season-6 champions !
* IF s5-Cup winners ! (s6 cup cancelled)

NSL Q2CTF Nations league ...
* Finland reigning Champions !

ChampionsLeague Q2CTF Play-Offs
Week-3 [March 12-18]
* 98-99 FUSE CL winner
* 99-00 BBQ CLL winner

ClanBase Q3CTF CUP Spring Cup 2001
Week-4 : [March 12-18]
* CN fall-2000 Champions !

Savage League Q3CTF Season-4
Week-5 : [march 18] map: japanctf
* Clan E season-3 Champions !
* SS s3-Cup Winners !

Savage Q3CTF Midweek-Tournament-2
Week-5 [march 22] (last week)
* CN Midweek-Tournament-1 Champions !

Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF Season 4 Completed
Next: Season-5, Week-1: [March 18-19]
* IQS season-4 Champions !

Savage Q3CCTF Season-1
Week-7: [march 20, tuesday] (last week)
* nAo Season-0 Champions !
* TAWM pre-season1 CUP winners !

EQ3L Q3CTF Season-1 Completed
* mTw season-1 Champions !

Savage Euro Q3CTF Season-1
Week-1: [march 17-23]

- Barrysworld
- CCL - Q3CCTF league
- Q3 CCTF|DeathRow
- Champions League
- ClanBase
- NQCTF / YM-League
- Savage UK
- Savage Euro Q3CTF
- Tears
- The History of CTF
- Rape of Q2CTF
Affiliated Sites
- ChampionsLeague
- NorthSeaLeague

  Savage European Q3CTF Championships     | Savage European Q3CTF Championships
 Friday - March 16

SavageEuro Europe Q3CTF|Championships

The Capturing Begins | Week-1 [March 17-23] Scheduled Matches - by |Ebola|

17th March Saturday
[Switzerland vs Portugal] - (group-4) - 3pm (GMT)
[Germany v Greece] - (group-3) - 6pm (GMT)

21st March Wednesday
[Sweden vs Norway] - (group-1) - 8pm (GMT)

The Savage European Q3CTF Championships is a competition to see who has the best national Q3CTF team in Europe. (under 'Savage Q3CTF European Championships' rules).

National Teams | Sites:
Here are the participating nation-team sites which has some content:
| Belgium | Denmark | England | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Holland | Sweden | Switzerland |

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Savage Q3CTF Euro Championships
[ ]


  Q3CCTF|SavageLeague     Q3CCTF|SavageLeague     Q3CCTF|SavageLeague
 Thursday - March 15

      s1w6: nAo v ZP
nAo*DIABOLIC sneaky waiting behind the door for flag-thief z25.SY to return the flag...

ZP won the match with 9 caps to 5 for nAo in a exiting match...........
      SavageUK United Kingdom Q3CCTF

Q3CCTF Season-1|Week-6 - by |Ebola|
Now that Week-Round-6 is over only one round remains... Week-7.
Pre-Season-1 Cup winner TAWM is currently leading Division-1 with 18 points followed by oG (2) and ZP (3) both with 15 points with Season-0 Champions nAo on fourth place with 12 points...

In the final round (week7) Cup winner TAWM face Season-0 Champs nAo... A match consists of one 30-minute game and you get 6 points for a win or 3 points for a draw so if TAWM wants to become Season-1 Champion in style, win the season on points and not on caps, they have to defeat nAo and take 6 points to be sure to stay ahead of oG and ZP...

The final week in Division-2 is less exiting since leader TJD have a default win next week (as scheduled) so they already are Division-2 Champions... Congratulations :)

The final week will be played on map CCTF8 'Canyon of Drowned Souls'... the most un-populair CCTF map for wars...

Some demos of week-6 matches here: | [UKSG v CGA] | [nAo v ZP] |
For a full overview of results and season fixtures go here : SavageUK|Q3CCTF

Savage League

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  Quake2ctf.mp3     Quake2ctf.mp3     Quake2ctf.mp3
 Wednesday - March 14

      Fingertips | Q2CTF.mp3       Quake2ctf.mp3

Fingertips Releases Quake2CTF Song - by Kerbuffel @
Fingertips has released a Quake 2 CTF song and it's pretty damn good. It's a mix of techno/metal stuff, and it includes a bunch of cool sound bits from the game. It's a pretty cool song, so head over to the Fingertips site and check it out. [Download | q2ctf.mp3]

mp3: 'Quake II CTF'
Recording and mixdown date: 10 March 2001 - Recorded in Virgo Studio.

This song is a tribute to id software and to all you crazy quakers out there. Hope you like it!!! We worked on the song a few weeks when we had the time, but the total work time should be around 20 hours. In the beginning of the song there are some heavy fighting, but the truth is that it's just me (Patrik) and Martin foolin' around on Q2CTF1 and we recorded one demo each and put Martin in the left speaker and me in the right, cool huh??
 - Fingertips Crew

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  ChampionsLeague   CL/CLL   ChampionsLeague   CL/CLL   ChampionsLeague   CL/CLL
 Wednesday - March 14

CL/CLL | ChampionsLeague       [ChampionsLeague | Play-Offs]

BBQ won their 2nd playoff match, but not by much - by ReY @ ChampionsLeague
BBQ versus DUFF... Most of you know that duff have had some internal problems lately, but they seem to be fixed now, and they were able to put together a nice and skilled team :)
[CL Report | BBQ v DUFF]

|tm| one step closer to the semifinals - by ReY @
|tm| versus T... We all know how good |tm| are, but we also know how T can play equal against any clan out there. This match was actually quite even but in the end it went |tm|'s way.
[CL Report | |tm| v T]

Another close game in Group A: [o8 vs DdB] - by fuel @
08 versus DdB... In a very close playoff group o8 and DdB faced each other for a decisive game. The winner would have a very good chance to make it to the semifinals. The maps were to entail a lot of nice quadruns, but also some impressive flag recovers.
[CL Report | 08 v DdB]

CL/CLL on IRC | #thescene

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[ ]

  ClanBase Q3CTF Cup Spring 2001   Q3CTF Cup Spring 2001   Cup Spring 2001   Spring 2001   2001
 Tuesday - March 13

ClanBase Q3CTF Cup 'Spring 2001'

Last Week, Week-3 [March 5-11]

On the first day of week3, Monday March 5, two matches were scheduled. In the SecondLeague|Group-B TNC (Austria) forfeited so MEX (Europe) received a default win. [Score: 4-0 to MEX] [clanbase|report]

The other match, in the PremierLeague|Group-B, between pM (Holland) and 23 (Austria) was, according to Admin ShaFt, an easy win for pM because 23 had isp problems resulting in a ping disadvantage...
[Score: 4-0 to pM] [clanbase|report]

Tuesday march 6th saw IQS (Belgium) versus mr (Austria) in the PremierLeague|Group-B... (week2 match) The first map, won by IQS by 1 cap (6-5), was played on a quiet laggy server... the second map was played on a better server and resulted in a 2-2 draw... [Score: 3-1 to IQS] [clanbase|report]

IQS (Belgium) played pM (Holland) on Thursday March 8 in the PremierLeague|Group-B... [Admin]Deviant Monk: A very strong pM defeated last seasons 3rd place IQS in a close match that was completely even for the first 30 minutes.. [Score: 3-1 to pM] [clanbase|report]

On the last day of Week-3, Sunday march 11, 3 matches were played:
In the PremierLeague|Group-A, German clan mTw had no problem with RaW from Holland in an equal-ping war... [Score 4-0 to mTw] [clanbase|report]

In the SecondLeague|Group-A saw Rv (UK) defeat MAD (Germany) in 3 maps... [Score: 4-2 to Rv] [clanbase|report]

In the ThirdLeague|Group-B, n2s (UK) was to strong for L4L from Holland... [Score: 4-0 to n2s] [clanbase|report]

Group matches | Play-offs During the first 7 match weeks, the clans in each poule play against each other. The 3 highest ranked clans of each poule advance to the playoffs. [clanbase q2ctf cup | rankings]

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[pM v IQS] CB Q3CTF Cup
[pM v IQS] (picture)
PremierLeague|Group-B pM Lev fragging flag-thief [IQS]PoK in map WCTF2...

  ClanBase Q2CTF Cup Spring 2001   Q2CTF Cup Spring 2001   Cup Spring 2001   Spring 2001   2001
 Monday - March 12

ClanBase Q2CTF Cup 'Spring 2001'

Last Week, Week-3 [March 5-11]

Starting with day 1, Monday March 5th, saw reigning Champions |tm| [ i ] from Sweden versus KfK from Holland in a PremierLeague|Group-A match... |tm| won with 2 map wins against 1. [Score: 4-2 to |tm|]. [clanbase|report]

On the same day ZP (Holland) and lux (Europe) fought, as admin 852 called it, an "Unforgiving Battle" in the PremierLeague|Group-B... ZP won with 2 maps against 1. [Score: 4-2 to ZP] [clanbase|report]

Thursday March 8th saw SecondLeague|Group-A leaders iM (Holland) defeat PDL (Holland) in 2 maps in a not so exiting war because iM was to strong for PDL... nice to see CvS play again tho :) (good player from the early days of q2ctf in clans like PK, iQ, SS... now playing in PDL)
[Score: 4-0 to iM] [clanbase|report]

On the last day of week-3, Sunday march 10th, GD from Holland faced IBM from Italy in the SecondLeague|Group-A... [Admin]Commissar: GD won easely from IBM, but again the war wasn't played on a neutral server which is becoming a real problem in this cup :( [Score: 4-0 to GD] [clanbase|report]

Another match was played on the last day of week-3: PIS v DCB in the SecondLeague|Group-B... [Admin]852: Nice war, everything went by the book, PIS beat DCB fair and square. [Score: 4-0 to PIS] [clanbase|report]

Group matches | Play-offs During the first 7 match weeks, the clans in each poule play against each other. The 3 highest ranked clans of each poule advance to the playoffs. [clanbase q2ctf cup | rankings]

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[iM v PDL] CB Q2CTF Cup

[iM v PDL] (picture)
SecondLeague|Group-A... Action in LFCTF3, PDL's flag got just returned by CvS but [PDL]Emmer was cut in half by iM-MaTTo's chaingun before he could cap...

iM-Baal^: I think none of the PDL team had ever played this map. This base is very hard to defend and so resulted in lots of caps for us.