European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola
Week: December 18-24
Saturday - December 23
YM League II
source: YourMother @ nqctf
One match left... battle for the Championship.
Clan CN is dead and MC is also on the edge of becoming a member of the dead-clan-list.
And that's actually
a weird situation since MC can become champion of the YM League II.
They won their match against KOI and do now have 9 points, just like Brutal.
So there will be one final match between Brutal and MC for the championship.
If there is a draw after 2 maps then they must play CTF5 (no runes or other powerups) unless they can agree on a different map and settings.
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Fall 2000
That's all Folks!....
by Oma @ ClanBase.com
After 12 weeks of battle, Swedisch clan
|tm|The Virial Theorem 1040
took over the title from
DTF-Dutch Tactical Fighters.
In the 2nd league fck took over first place from PDL.
Looking back at the Cup, we saw a lot of good matches in both leagues and i think, although there were some glitches, it has been a succesfull one. Ofcourse... it's a small Cup, some clans left, and there were some unconventional actions from the supervisor, but hey! it was our first international Q2CTF Cup, it was exciting, and we all learned from it.
Next Cup will start in January...
Will raGe get their revenge? or will DTF strike gold again?....
Interview with |tm|Fuel
Friday December 22
I n t e r v i e w
| t m |F u e l
by Baal

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fuel |
NiGhT |
Fettson |
Exq |
Ronin |
WeirD |
corne |
Mange |
Sir |
JooZ |
Stereo |
Ford |
Flag'Em All
Lithuanian Q2CTF Tourney
Flag'Em All
Lithuanian Q2CTF Tourney
Flag'Em All
Thursday December 21
Flag'Em All
Lithuanian Q2CTF Tourney

Top picture:
Resource management in CTF1...
[STaB]Ferox & [STaB]Scuffler
Bottom Picture:
[B]SaSal1Ty defends the flag against quad powered
Last Weekend |
"Flag'em all" | Lithuanian Q2CTF Tourney
| [demos]
- sources:
[STaB]Eclipse @ clanstab.com &
[Zoo]Scorpion @ zoo
Last weekend a two day Q2CTF Tournament took place in Vilnis, Lithuania... nine clans divided into two groups
participated in the tournament to fight for the 'best CTF team of the year 2000' title... also a special match was played between Lithuania against Latvia [LT v LV].
Group-A: [STaB] - Base - WWW.LV - [NLK]
Group-B: [T.N.T] - [Zoo] - [ass] - [.] - [gM]
The first day, Saturday december 16, the groupmatches were played in where the clans battled it out for a place among the last four in the semi-finals on the second day (Sunday).
[T.N.T] v Base : 3-5 Base wins (ctf5:2-2 / ctf5:1-3)
[STaB] v [Zoo] : 7-7 STaB wins on frags (ctf1:5-5 / ctf3:2-2)
Losersfinal: (for third place)
[T.N.T] v Zoo : 2-7 Zoo wins (ctf5:0-0 / ctf3: 2-7)
[STaB] v Base : 14-2 STaB wins (ctf1: 12-1 / ctf5: 2-1)
special match
Lithuania v Latvia [LT v LV]
The teams were formed with players from each participated clan in the tournament, here are the scores:
LT v LV :
ctf2 16:0 (quad on, hook off)
ctf5 15:0 (hook off)
ctf1 1:2 (quad off, hook on)
... the last map wasn't play due to lack of time.
For those who wonder why the quad and hook settings changed on each map well... both LT and LV have different
rules on that :) ... CTF2 and CTF5 were played with LT rules (quad on, hook off) and CTF1 was played with LV
rules... oh btw, hook on or off applies to the off-hand hook :)
The *Hall of Fame* updated :)
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Wednesday - December 20
Fall 2000
Previous CB Q2CTF-Cup (spring 2000) Champions DTF managed to secure the Bronze Cup
in the losers final versus xL.
Only 3 maps were played (Map wins: DTF:2 xL:1 / DTF|ctf5, xL|ctf2, DTF|suma6)
Map 4: Forfeit win for DTF
xL didn't have time to play another map. This match was already delayed 3 weeks, DTF couldn't play another date this week. |
Source: Oma @ ClanBase.com
So... now the battle for third place has been fought the final Cup result looks like this:
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup 'Fall 2000'
[1] |tm| (The Virial Theorem 1040)
[2] raGe (retaliated artificial Genetic enemy)
[3] DTF (Dutch Tactical Fighters)
CTF Observer
with |tm|Fuel...
Speaking of |tm|, The winners of the CB Cup Fall 2000,
(see also
freelance reporter Baal interviewed |tm|Fuel for CTF Observer yesterday asking questions like
|tm|'s (short) history, about their name 'The Virial Theorem 1040'
(Fuel: The Virial Theorem is a... I better look it up :P)
about the ClanBase Cup and different styles of play between scandinavian and dutch teams... etc, etc.
anyway... the interview will be here tommorrow after I cleaned up the IRC text :)
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ChampionsLeague |
In |tm|'s last match before X-mas they had to defend their #2 spot ladder against m22.
|tm| v [m22] for #2 ladder spot
- by |tm|fuel @
We had wanted to challenge BBQ before the break, but someone else always beat us to it.
Excuse me for writing about my own clan, but since none of the newsies had the time I took the liberty of writing this one myself.
Full report @ CL/CLL:
[Report | tm v m22]

X-mas Break...
- by fuel @
The ChampionsLeague will be inactive during X-mas through to New Years. All clans can take a break during the holidays without fear of losing positions in the ladder.
Make sure to stock up on all that christmas food you can get your hands on and rest that mouse arm of yours, cause you'll need to be in top shape for the playoffs, take my word for it. :)
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Wednesday January 3
Season 4

Last Sunday/Monday |
Week-4 and Holiday break
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
Week 4 was completed
without any major problems, there was a temporary issue with the NL > BW link on Monday but this seemed to go away and a full schedule was played bar 1 game.
We now break for the holidays,
with the league resuming on the 7th of January. I will write a summary of things so far and post it on www.QuakeNation.com sometime over the break so look out for that.
The league has gone fairly well so far we think, there have been a few clans drop out and again Division 1 has been hit hard with 3 of the 12 starting clans now no longer in the league. Elsewhere though things are going along fairly normally, with 62 clans still in the competition from a starting 68.
On behalf of myself, FlameTop and all the admins may we wish you and enjoyable christmas & new year. Hope santa brings you something nice :) |
- BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
You can find demos of some of the leagues games on the BarrysWorld FTP:
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
October 30 2000
clan CN

Chopstick Ninjas
Tuesday - December 19
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
Monday - December 18
Clan E
Season-3 Champions !
- by Whez.E @ clan-e
We've managed to win the Savage Q3CTF Division-1 title after our last game Sunday night against SS which was a bumpy match. You can read a short description in the
[clan-e site | battles]
This season was a pretty close battle at the top with amigos CN & Neo making it extremely tough and all clans were fighting it all the way to the points table.
We've achieved beyond our wildest expectations winning season 1, 2, 3 (this season) which will be the last for this year 2000.
So how have things been in the E.ctf camp ?
Looking back on this year its been crazy. E started playing q3ctf in february 2000 and has been playing ever since. A lot of our original lineup has changed. Our players & mates Imiz, Cyrano, Zor still pop in #e but dropped out from active q3ctf during the year. We've also seen a lot of clans fade in, fade out.
Then zooming ahead to this month its been quite a rocky one. Ethereal and Chipie gone, 2 players who have been there from the start, and that has left a hole which we try to fill. Now we've finally finished all the leagues we're in.
We'd like to thank all the people who've contributed to E, our clan mates, ex-clan mates and friends who we know in real life and on irc.
All that is left is to wish you all a happy holiday season and see you guys in year 2001.
Congratulations Clan E :)
*Hall of Fame* updated...
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SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
Monday - December 18
Q2 3tCTF
Q2 3-Team-CTF
- by LJ @ SavageUK
Clan Donuts [o]
(who have joined the league last week to replace [IF])
showed that they are going to be a clan to be reckoned with for next season's title chase as they held
DS to a 6-6-4 with a 4 man LD50 team making the match a great FFA style game.
The other D1 match was a default to FRE as ZOO haven't been replaced yet and Hg could only get 2 players out of bed in time.
Division-2 though is on a knife's edge at the moment with both GnA and AFT on 24 points in first place.
GnA won their game today over TJD and AFT with a 8-4-3 win respectively. This now means that as they meet again next week in the last game of the season, who-ever comes above the other wins the D2 title. The other D2 match saw a merc team play instead of TAA as they got their dates mixed up, against UKSG and WkB. The merc team just won but as usual the score doesn't count for them so as UKSG came 2nd they get the full 3 points with WkB getting the 2.
Previous Savage 3tCTF Demos can be found in the demo-archive at savageuk:
Beware though this site only works in IE for the moment.
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