European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola
Week: December 11-17
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
Friday - December 15
Q3CTF | Midweek-Tournament
Quarter finals,
Semi Finals &
- by Thor @ SavageUK
The draw for the Quarter finals of the Q3CTF tournament has now been made.....
The Quarter finals will be played on Thursday 21st December 2000. The Semi finals will be played on Thursday 4th January 2001 @8pm, followed by the final @9pm. (UK time)
Quarter final Draw:
Game 1 - 8pm: DmN v GM
Game 2 - 8pm: MEX v SS
Game 3 - 9pm: IQS v WC
Game 4 - 9pm: CN v V
The maps are as follows:
Quarter finals - Q3WCTF3
Semi finals - Q3CTF2
Final - Q3WCTF2
The knockout stages are 1 x 30 minutes.
In the event that scores are equal after 30 minutes then the game will go into 10 minutes golden cap overtime. In the event that the scores are still equal after the additional 10 minutes, the clan with the highest frags shall be declared the winner.
Semi finals:-
Winner Game 1 v Game 4
Winner Game 2 v Game 3
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Thursday - December 14
Thursday - December 14
News... New Site soon.
- by Voodoo & Won @ TEARS
Lo people, Sorry for the site being b******** l8ly, been doing things in RL. As SBD stated, I am working on a new and improved site, once in which all the admins can update without the need for me.
Clans are still signing up for the league, which is great, u haven't been forgotten, I will be placing you on the new site.
Any ideas for the new site let me or won know, and we can see if we can implement them.
Cheers for your patience (new site will be up early in Jan 2001)
What is TEARS ?
Tears is an uncomplicated ladder (tier) system designed with the q2ctf community in mind.
Rule changes will be decided by the people that play within it.
The best feature of tears is that when it settles down, teams will be playing other teams of similar ability to themselves.
The random map generator will introduce some element of chance.
Teams will not know what map they are playing until just before the game.
TEARS, Challenging....
A clan may challenge any clan in the tier above them and if the challenging clan wins they will rise to the tier above them, the losing team dropping to the lower tier...
Before the game the admin will initiate the random map generator which will decide the map and the team colour for each clan... teams don't not know which map will be played until just before the game... once the map is known both teams have 5 minutes to sort out positions and tactics and go to the server to play one game of 30 minutes.
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Find out more:
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Wednesday December 13
Season 4

Flagrunner oG-ArGos in an
attempt to rail pursuer
map: 'Japanese Castles'
Last Sunday/Monday|Week-3
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
I'm glad to say the response to japanctf was fairly good in general, it produced some very exciting games despite its unusual style. Hopefully it will be given a shot in other leagues now, its inclusion in the 3wave custom map compilation pak will lend it further credibility.
Back to more familiar grounds this week though for the last round of games before our break for the Christmas holidays. I will do a little write up of how things have gone so far during the holidays. We might also be running some one off competitions at stages, things like mixed teams with a small prize for the winners.
All tables and results should be updated...
You can find demos of some of the leagues games on the BarrysWorld FTP:
is where to point your browsers/ftp clients. Each week more demos will be added, so its worth checking back regularly.
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
October 30 2000
clan CN

Chopstick Ninjas
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
SavageUK Q3CTF
Wednesday - December 13
One week left to go
in Savage Q3CTF !
- by Whez @ SavageUK
Season 3 of Savage Q3CTF reaches the final week's matches this Sunday 12th. How are things looking so far in the tables? Who will take the title at the end of this year 2000 season, in their respective divisions?
Sunday's map will be on MapLab CTF4 which was also used in last Season2. Do you know it as well as your HarshG?
How are things looking so far in the tables with just one week left to go ?
Clan E leads with 5 points ahead of rivals CN who are 2nd. Can E win their 3rd consecutive Savage title or will SS rumble their thunder on sunday and give CN the victory? OG are ahead 1 point against nearest rivals nEo but 3rd place could yet still be determined.
Potzw lead by 9 points and look set to take the div2 title, with nearest rivals DMN and WC tied on equal points and both will be battling for a worthy 2nd place this sunday.
IQS are ahead 6 points and are in a strong position to take the div3 title and promotion next season.
GM and V will play a crucial decider this sunday to decide 2nd & 3rd place.
Rv, the new strong entrants this season lead by 9 points ahead of nearest rivals Xpd and have secured this division title and promotion. Sab are in 3rd place with Inf closely followed behind and can yet take their place from sab.
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SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
SavageUK 3tCTF
Tuesday - December 12
Q2 3tCTF
Q2 3-Team-CTF
Altough the season isn't over yet and there are still 2 week-rounds to be played DS
Defenders of Sherwood already are champions... |
*[Hall of Fame]* updated...
DS | 3tctf Season 6 Champs
- by LJ @ SavageUK
DS are now Season 6 Champs as IF have pulled out and they were the only ones that could have caught them.
DS won sunday over Hg and a merc team for IF 25-3-1 respectively, with some secure tactical play. The merc team for IF decided not to bother defending their base towards the end of their game and instead camp the RG area. ALL of them :(. The game then became an "Ignore the flag guys, that's too easy to get, lets try and get an RG" lol.
| [more...]
Previous Savage 3tCTF Demos can be found in the demo-archive at savageuk:
Beware though this site only works in IE for the moment.
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Fall 2000
Fall 2000
Monday - December 11