European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday - June 29
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Icelandic Championships Quake3arena
[*] ClanBase
new: Hall of Fame
[*] SavageUK
Q2CTF last Sunday...
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Next Cup: Summer (fun) Cup
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
Next Cup: Summer (fun) Cup
Savage League Q2CTF
July 2
Season 10: week 3
Savage League Q2 3tCTF
July 2
Season-5: Week 2
Savage League Q3CTF
July 2
Season-1: Week 7
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
July 2-3
Season-2: Week 7
replays Week5: at end of season
pre-summer break
Break: June 19 - July 2 / Continues on July 3

[Hall of Fame]
Icelandic Championship
íslandsmót í quake 2000
Icelandic Championship
íslandsmót í quake 2000
Icelandic Championships
Demos, demos and more demos...
Last weekend the Icelandic IQ2k (íslandsmót í quake 2000) aka the Icelandic Championships took place (quake3).
In the CTF dicipline clans like ICE, Hux and PhD did compete... Hux won the CTF final against ICE.
See also CTF Observer [27-06-2000]
IQ2K now have 26
ctf demos
online for download... you can also download them all at once (41mb) if you want ;)
If you are also into Duel and DM then to go
to download demos of the duel and dmtp championship matches.
BTW: The first 3 finishers in the Duel dicipline are auto-berthed to the CPL Europe event in August.
[*] Top of Page
Icelandic Championships
June 25 2000
clan HUX
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
New at
ClanBase :
ClanBase have created a
Hall of Fame
page in where all the Cup results, including Quake CTF, are listed...
Also new are the virtual trophees to put on your clanpage... If you are a cup winner or runner-up that is :)
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Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Last Sunday (Week 2 of Season 10)
Results and tables have been updated with nearly all of the results from last Sundays games. I've got a
couple of results still on my hard drive so I'll be updating them tonight. We've also got a few postponed games to be
played during the week and I'll update those as soon as I get the results. Now for the juicy stuff ..
[More @ Savage]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
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[Savage Q2CTF]
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
ICR 5 Matches...
by Caitiri @
Well, this week has been filled with all sorts of interesting matches, for one reason or another. Last night, three more matches "finished":
wfk -vs= deviate
In a west coast battle, these two teams went at it in the most uneventful match of the night (dv8.ecc had a few computer problems but that was it). dv8 chose ctf3, and as is common in that map, the score stayed low, but it was in dv8's favor: 3-0. wfk's choice of ctf2 (no longer a surprise I'm guessing) started off fast for dv8, grabbing two quick caps. By the time it was over, dv8 came out ahead 5-2. The final map was the most intense of the evening, ending in a 2-2 tie with a flag standoff for the last few minutes. Screenshots and match report on their
[battle page].
deoxyribonucleic acid -vs- Vicious Circle
vc's map choice of Japanese Castles came as no shock, but what was rather unusual was that dna was the one who ended up winning it 3-1. The second map, dna's choice of w2, ended in a win for vc. With one map a piece, the teams each had a player disconnect to reboot; 40 minutes later, the dna player finally returned, but vc's player never showed. They went ahead with a 4v3, and vc (not surprisingly) lost 6-1. The remaining vc player finally returned with 1 min left to go in the match...
synaptic -vs- The Untouchables
Both teams chose w2 as their map; the cards were not in favor of syn last night though. All four syn players were using the same isp, who was having major problems with one of their routers. Consequently, all four players would completely lag out every 30 sec or so for 5 seconds, but after having postponed the match already, attempted to play it out. syn lost both w2 matches, though the score was closer on the second map thanks in part to UT's "goofing around" and not taking the match very seriously (ie. holding the flag for a while instead of capping). syn finally got fed up with their connection and decided to forfeit the third map.
Two matches are left on the schedule. As two matches last night had QTV running pretty much without incident, these might also be on QTV.
Digital Annihilation -vs- ZEN
As both teams have been struggling in the first two weeks of competition, this should be an interesting match. ZEN looks to be the favorite...
asian Express -vs- Havoc
The votes and predictions are with aE, but either way this should be a great match-up.
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