Season 6
- by Bigfoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
WR, Warriors of the Realm,
took the Division-1 Title by defeating TC, this put them out of the reach of mTw who
struggled to finish the season after losing players due to college starting and suffering ping problems on this final evening.
Congratulations WR :)
CTF Observer [Hall of Fame] Updated :)
Demos of WR last week-round (week10) versus TC :
[pov: aim] |
[pov: whez]
More Coverage :
'Sunday Night BWCTF' @ QuakeNation :
'Monday night CTF stylee' @ QuakeNation :
Q3CTF Demos: BarrysWorld FTP:
[Compilation Pak 1] |
This pak include Q3WCP1, Q3WCP5 and Q3WCP7. (as used in Barrysworld Q3CTF League)
Season 6 Divisional winners
- by Bigfoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
Division 1 & Overall Champions - WR - Warriors of the Realm
Division 2A - POTZW - Prince of the Zorgons World
Division 2B - eX - eXcrucio
Division 3A - iNf - iNferno
Division 3B - BU - Belgium United
Division 3C - XPd - eXPedient demise
Division 4 - SPS - Self Preservation Society
Congratulations to all of them, and to those who earned promotion across all the divisions.
Commiserations to all those who were relegated.
With regards to Season 7 we are currently aiming to start it in mid-late October. As with the same season last year it will most likely span Christmas, i will probably organise a cup competition around the holiday season for those
who are interested.
The one downside for next season is that we have just 12 spaces in the league, and over 50 clans who currently want to join. I do not think we can realistically hope to expand the league above its current size as we have struggled for admins this season at times as it is, and that is without other leagues running all the time which will only place extra demands on admins time. We'll discuss this further on the admin list as to what we can do to accomodate the vast number of clans who want to enter.
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
September 23 2001
clan WR

Warriors of the Realm