European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: |Ebola|
Week: July 23-29 2001
Savage European Q3CTF Championships
Friday - July 27
No LAN-Finals due to lack of sponsors
SavageEuro finals to be net based
Slave @
It is with regret that we have been unable to secure enough sponsorship to host The Savage European Q3CTF Finals at SavLAN2..
To this end we have now made the decision that the competition finals will now be played via the NET on the same weekend as SavLAN2 (10th, 11th and 12th of Aug).
All is not lost however and SavLAN2 will have, via gTV, a live feed to the SavageEuro matches so players/spectators at the event will still be able to watch the finals live.
Since this competitions conception we have worked very hard to make our dream of a LAN based final come true. It is unfortunate that current market conditions mean that this is not possible at this time. :(
The four Finalists (in alphabetical order) :
Belgium |
Denmark |
England |
BigFoot @
I think everyone is a bit gutted about this, i was quite looking forward to the offline final and even though most of the countries have decent connects an online final will not be the same really. One also wonders what this means for Q3CTF,
will we ever have a proper big lan event :(
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[ www.savageeuro.com ]
Friday - July 27
Q2 Grapplers
Q2 Grapplers
Q2 Grapplers
Q2 Grapplers
Q2 Grapplers
Monday - July 23

Fastest Cap 'Competition' :
Q3 CCTF Grapplers 'competition' ?
The Q2 Grapplers site mention that they are thinking of expanding their grapple 'competition' with Q3 CCTF:
K so obviously theres a demand for this sorta thing I had tones of e-mails telling me what a great idea it is so maybe I can take it 1 step further..
I am thinking of making thise website into a fast gaming place, whereby its not just all about 1 game and 1 modification.
For example CCTF fast cap times, and erm other games and things which will be timed.
What do you guys think of this kinda thing? is it a good idea? or should i keep it just Q2 grapplers and have it just for a resource?
Your opinions please, Ta, - SBD
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