Main Editor: Ebola!!
Tuesday - April 18
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] CLL CTF News updates by [cl/cll]Fuel
[*] The Justice League Update
[*] Non Euro Competition News
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
WOG v PDL 9-9 - (ctf1/ctf5)
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
Dutch Ladder
HC v XnC 30-1 - (ctf2/ctf1)
fun games, good practise for us.
CTF1: 20-0 CTF2: 10-1 CTF2 (we only have 4 ppl tho :/)
played all :)
- HC-Tom -
Dunno what happend with ctf1 but I heared a lot of rumours that HC stopped the
matched because some1 from us joined in suddenly....(I wasn't there yet but whatever)
Well let's say we sucked bigtime 'cause these chaps really know how to rail your ass off
I noticed.... Well you can thank us for being such lovely targets for you guys (although we had one
quad and one cap in ctf2 =p)
- [XnC]Camel -
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
LGN v SQA 13-6 - (wctf3/ctf2)
Dutch Ladder
SuX x LeF 15-9 - (ctf1/ctf4)
It was a nice war... little bit trouble in the begining but LEF thanks for the war.
- [SuX]J-Force -
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Q2CTF - News updates by [cl/cll]Fuel
The CLL is moving...
Well, we finally heard from Pacifer. He's not dead or anything, he just has other priorities in life (meaning work and women). Well, he just wanted to let us know that the CLL will probably need a new server, since he isn't able to host one anymore. If any of you friendly souls out there know where we could find one, please send an e-mail to clladmin@championsleague.org or try and find divine (on #anthillmob) or Nikodemus (on #BBQ) on Quakenet.
Ladder updates...
There has been a lot of action going on in the ladder lately, teams quitting and new ones signing up.The most notable clan was perhaps [Q] who quit due to inactivity and Q3 (I think). Today alone four new teams joined the ladder, they are: [PmO], [F], [vS] and [OFF] . Many of the clans actually having veteran Q2 players on them.
Talking about veteran Q2 players, I actually read that clan [FUSE] several months after their breakup played some friendly Q2 CWs a couple of nights ago. Someone over at the CTF Observer even made an interview with former [FUSE] player Madhof. Other oldies like [DdB] and even [K13] have been seen on Q2CTF servers... so maybe Q2CTF is not dead after all?
Recent battles...
Clan [tm] is continuing it's strong climb in the CLL, now in 9th place - recently having defeated NOVA by 26-1. (Wohoo, sorry couldn't contain myself =). Other new teams in the top 10 are, [T] and [CRuSH]. [T] were actually able to give [BBQ] tough opposition the last time the clans faced eachother. However, I was told that some [BBQ] player was actually trying to eat icecream while playing...
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[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
New Q2CTF League
The Justice League (UK) Update
We're going for two parallel leagues of 6 (Group-A and Group-B), with positional play-offs for the final positions. i.e. the two first placed clans will play in week 6, the winners taking 1st, the losers 2nd. The two second placed clans will play, winners take 3rd, losers 4th, down to the two 6th placed clans playing for 11th and 12th. The following season the groups of 6 will be changed, so you get to play different people.
Week 1 fixtures are as follow:
Q2CTF1 / Zero-G / 30 minutes / 6 players per team
Zero-G (no gravity) means that you will have to rethink your normal playing style. Strafe jumping isn't going to work, and the exit into the rail room will be a bit of a pain, as will exiting into the pipe. I *hope* it will prove and amusing game, and not piss you all off, so I DEMAND
feedback after the games (tjl@tjd.org.uk). If playing with the physics is universally derided, we won't do it again.
Group-B: Hg, HC, DS, AFC, RaGe, UKF
- [TJD]rico -
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Details here:

The Justice League
See also
CTF Observer:
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Q3CTF League - Quake3Arena
c@ck Defeats BlackTongue In BCTFL
- by Caitiri @ www.gamepig.com
Last night c@ck took on BlackTongue for one of their two remaining matches for season 2 of the BCTFL. After several flag standoffs on Finnegan's Revenge (c@ck's choice), c@ck claimed the victory 5-2. On BT's choice, Courtyard Conundrum, after a see-saw battle c@ck managed the victory 3-2. This finishes up BlackTongue's season at 2-5, while c@ck still has one match left against Elite Strike to finish up this week. Grab the demos
[ Here ]
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