European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday - April 27
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] Popadom 2v2 CTF
New 2v2 CTF league (uk)...
[*] The Justice League
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at

ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
ZP v KfK: 9-8 - (ctf1/sumactf6)
Q2CTF1: 'Dino! (Z8.D!) decided to attack with the doc and was very succesfull...'
SUMA6: 'KfK started well this level. KfK=HeXx= made three caps in a row...'
A matchreport written by Railguyİ can be found at ClanBase here:
[ report ]
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
[admin]Railguyİ :
Wow!! What a match. This one I like. This was soo close. It's a pitty that only one team can win, they both deserved it...
Two teams that made a beauty of a war. Until the last sec it was exciting...
Fara (Z10.FA) captured the flag in the last seconds. What a close finish.
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
VS v SQA: 15-1 - (wctf1/ctf3)
TQA v QDB: 4-1 - (wctf1/wctf3)
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
E v II: 20-1 - (ctf2/wctf2)
ctf2: 'Each II player who DID manage to get through got slaughtered by E's defense...'
wctf2: 'Same thing as with q3ctf2, rough defending by E and II didn't even had a chance...'
A matchreport written by -=SCUL=- can be found at ClanBase here:
[ report ]
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
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Q2CTF Cup, ZP v KfK

Z10.FA scoring the match winning capture with only 8 seconds left, ZP v KfK: 9-8
Q2 Popadom 2v2 CTF
Popadom 2v2 CTF
Popadom 2v2 CTF
Popadom 2v2 CTF
Popadom 2v2 CTF
New League
T h e . P o p a d o m . 2 vs 2 . Q u a k e . 2 . L e a g u e (UK)
Allthough the league is not going to start for a while we are trying to get some teams to sign up, ready for the start.
We have put together a basic website, where you can signup.
[ Here ]
Please signup. Oh and please dont signup for a joke!
BTW we are looking for some admins. We have servers etc sorted out.
- [Popadom]Neo -
Source: SavageUK Q2CTF Forum
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Details here:

Q2 Popadom 2v2 CTF
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League (UK) Update
There's now a web page that shows the up and coming fixtures which can be found
Rico has promised that a results page will be up soon, but for the time being will
have the latest results as soon as we get them.
by - Slave @ -
the jump off point for the UK CTF gamer.
The Justice League is a fun league. A kickabout league... Small boys in shorts...
Jumpers for goalposts. It's lovely, isn't it?
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Details here:

The Justice League
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Q3CTF League
Long-Awaited BCTFL Match: UT vs O
- by Caitiri @
Tonight, The Untouchables (UT) handed Odyssey (O) their first loss in the BCTFL, leaving both teams with a final 6-1 record for the season.
The match started off on UT's choice of ctf1, and UT fired off a quick succession of caps to push them to 4-0. The two teams then traded off caps, but UT's control of the middle helped keep them ahead and gave them the win at 7-3.
Odyssey's map choice, wctf3, started off rather slow. A flag standoff as is common in this map began the match, finally broken when UT's flag carrier died and O capped. UT also had some player disconnect problems and the match was paused twice as they shuffled players around. Finally UT managed to sneak out with the flag and tie it up at one a piece. Odyssey's better control of haste in the middle helped them get an edge, and O capped 3 more times to make the final 4-1.
UT and O didn't agree on a tiebreaker, so the official chose ctf2 by random draw; neither team seemed too excited by it. UT got up 3-0 in the first 10 minutes, then let 2 caps slip out putting the match within reach of a tie by Odyssey. UT managed another cap with 3 minutes left, putting them up 4-2, and went to an all-defense strategy for the last few minutes. It worked, keeping their flag in base, and giving UT the win.
Depending on the results of the Canine/eXtreme Domination match, the BCTFL will have a playoff match to determine the West Division winner (if K9 wins there will be a 3-way tie).
You can download chasecam demos from all three matches
[ Here ]
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