European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Weekend - June 24/25
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] SavageUK
[*] SavageUK
Q2 3tCTF... New season starts Sunday.
[*] Feature
The Growing Sport of Pro Gaming...
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Site News
* Added (old) [fuse]nc interview to archives-page...
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Next Cup: ...
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
Next Cup: ...
Savage League Q2CTF
June 25
Season 10: week 2
Savage League Q2 3tCTF
June 25
Start of new season: Season 5
Savage League Q3CTF
June 25
Season-1: Week 6
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
June 25-26
Season-2: Week 7
replays Week5: at end of season
June 19-25
Week 1 Replays [NO-SE] [NL-UK]
Break: June 19 - July 2 / Continues on July 3

[Hall of Fame]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
This Sunday: Week 2 (Season 10)
Season 10 - Week 2 - Predictions
- by savage columnist Ven, and Obdeath
Ven updated his Savage column and has done division 1 and 2 predictions, Obdeath has done the division 3 predictions for this Sunday.
Go read the
for this Sunday.
Season 10 Week 1 News (last week)
OSOK Penalty Decision
- by [savage]EluSiVe
It has emerged that in the first week of Season 10 OSOK cheated against AFT ...
This was by:
1) Fielding a ringer (... a Nicklamer ;)
2) Playing a player who is not on Caps.
3) Having a player keep reentering the game to affect the result.
4) Throwing MM1 abuse after the game.
There were many factors to consider as we did with ROK.
[see CTF Observer 26-05-2000]
Should the clan or the players be punished? Therefore the council has decided on the following:
1) AFT will get the default win for that game.
2) Fusseh who ringed, is now banned for two weeks.
3) Tromax who kept entering the server is also banned for two weeks.
4) OSOK will lose 6 points immediately.
Cheating in this league will not be tolerated and if OSOK do it again they will be thrown out of the League. Just because OSOK have not been banned does not necessarily mean the next clan to cheat in this way will not be. We hope that OSOK learn from this punishment.
- [savage]EluSiVe
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
For a full s10/Week1 review go to the SavageUK site:
If you want to re-read "s10/Week1 Predictions" by savage columnist Ven go:
[*] Top of Page

[Savage Q2CTF]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage 3tCTF
Season 4

Q2 3tCTF
Next Season Season 5
- by [savage]LJ
Season 5 is coming to a server near you !
Yup it's back. The fastest and most intense mod of Q2 will be starting season 5 Sunday week. That's Sunday
25th June. Schedule is up ! Horraaaaaahhhhhh :)
Savage League
3 Team CTF
Savage League
3 Team CTF
The Savage 3tCTF league is friendly league for enjoyable teamplay, No swearing at others or about the server... the league
is played without Techs and Quad. One game of 30 minutes is played. Winner gets 3 points, Second gets 2, Third gets 1
point... the score is based on captures only.
Division-1: PS, DS, IF, NKO, LD50, AFT
Division-2: ZOO, UKSG, GnA, FRE, TJD, P4F
[*] Top of Page
[Savage Q2 3tCTF]
Professional Gaming
Professional Gaming
Professional Gaming
Professional Gaming
Professional Gaming
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Open Ladder News...
by Caitiri @
relentless and killer instincts
relentless and killer instincts finished up their match for #2 on the OGL CTF open ladder. They ended up playing on 2 servers as the map that ki chose, Schadenfreude CTF, is not a very common map for servers to carry. Both servers picked were osp, and neither would allow QTV to connect, so we were unable to broadcast the game.
On ki's server, ki won 2-0. When it was rl's server choice, rl won 2-0. That made a bit of a dilemma; OGL now has rules that you need to play out sudden death in the event of a tie, but the rule was made for a 1-server match. There is nothing saying what is to be done in a 2-server match.
On appeal to the admins, the admins decided to settle the match by combining frags; this gave ki the win. ki is now at #2 with an 8/7 record, rl drops to #3 and has a 11/3 record.
You can download a chasecam demo of the second part of the match (on rl's server choice) here.
[*] Top of Page
West division Finals - Round 1...
by Caitiri @
Elite Strike defeated wfk in the West division finals of q3ctfl in two straight maps.
ES's choice of Finnegan's Revenge started off with a cap for each, but from there ES racked up the caps, and ended with a 6-1 score. wfk's choice of Troubled Waters ended in a score of 4-1 in es's favor. You can download the QTV demos
Since ES was playing from the losers bracket, and q3ctfl is a full double-elimination tourney, one final match (best of three) will be played to decide the winner of the west division; it will probably be played before the weekend is out.
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