European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Friday - June 23
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] Non Euro Competition News
[*] Ask Peppie...
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Next Cup: ...
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
Next Cup: ...
Savage League Q2CTF
June 25
Season 10: week 2
Savage League Q2 3tCTF
June 25
Start of new season: Season 5
Savage League Q3CTF
June 25
Season-1: Week 6
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
June 25-26
Season-2: Week 7
replays Week5: at end of season
June 19-25
Week 1 Replays [NO-SE] [NL-UK]
Holliday break

[Hall of Fame]
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Dutch Ladder
sQ v AIE: 4-4 - (wctf2/wctf3)
[ sQ -
International Ladder
M v UKSG: 16-0 - (ctf2/ctf2)
[ M -
Bah our first game in clanbase gets off to a bad start!
But all due respect to MEX who kicked our asses!!
Maybe again soon when we are at the top of the ladder with you guys!!
SuX v 8: 14-1 - (ctf3/ctf2)
[ SuX -
8 ]
art v CoE: 18-0 - (wctf2/ctf1)
[ art -
CoE ]
After some problems of finding a good server we finaly agreed to play on supergamer.
The games where fair without any flaming. In the second map CoE agreed to a 4 vs 4 because one of our players hat to leave. Thx for the fair game CoE we wish you good luck in your clanbase future.
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
West Division Finals Tonight!...
by Caitiri @
The finals for the West division of the q3ctfl will play out tonight. In the winners bracket sits wfk, who took out The Untouchables to advance into the finals; in the losers bracket is Elite Strike, put there by synaptic early on in the competition (week 2).
These two clans will meet at midnight eastern, and QTV is planned for the event. Should ES win the match tonight, they will have to play wfk again to finish up the finals (since it's a double-elimination tourney, wfk hasn't yet lost a match).
Open Ladder Briefs...
by Caitiri @
Something you rarely see in the top 10... forfeits; and not just one, but two! Spice Boys reappeared in the top 10 with their forfeit over Media Games Online, who tumble down to #9; and Blacktongue jumped up to #8 with a 9/2 record with their forfeit win over Hong Kong Action, who fall down to #13.
Fearfactor vs The Machine
Ff dropped to 2/13 with their loss on Troubled Waters; McH now occupies #50 with a 3/1 record and have challenged White Squirrel Clan for #41.
eXtremely Cash Poor vs Unforgiven Gunmen
xUx took over #56, improving to 1/1, with their win on The Stronghold; they have now challenged Fearfactor to a rematch. XCP slips to 1/3
True Force vs Enforcers
TF took over #61 and improved to 2/0 with their win on The Stronghold; they've now challenged Assassins From Ziest for #54. E drops to 1/3.
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Ask Peppie
New GamePig Feature: Ask Peppie the LLama.
by Jube @
Yes it's true... we've submitted and have put up one of those lame-0 Ask BlahDeBlah columns. We're just hoping that ours will be lamer than the rest, and if so we have succeeded in our mission for true lameness. So, let's all put our hands together for Peppie the Llama who will be answering those all important need to know type questions. Send the little peon some email to get him started. :) By the way, incase you're wondering, Peppie the Llama is NOT Twitch... they just look alike.
Check Peppie
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Peppie the LLama