Main Editor: Ebola!!
Friday - April 21
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] The Justice League First round played !
[*] CLL CTF Matches...
[*] BWQ3L-CTF nEo division 1 champs !
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at gamepoint.net
CTF Observer at iwarp.com
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Dutch Ladder
ZP v BAD: 14-6 - (ctf2/ctf5)
NO v BAD: 9-2 - (ctf1/ctf5)
HC v Az 23-1 - (ctf2/lfctf1)
HC v Az gg...neither team had their match team though :/
Very laggy aswell...HC had 4 HPBs :(
- HC_Tom -
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
VS v 666 1-0 - (default win)
Clan 666 has unfortunately failed to show up in their scheduled match
against clan Voodoo Slayers. Even though there was mention of the
match in the topic of the 666 IRC channel, none of the people from
666 were reachable at the starting time of the match. VS will be
awarded a default win, while clan 666 will have a point substracted
for not showing up at all. We hope clan 666 will make it to future
matches to show that they are to be taken serious, and that this was
just a minor glitch...
Conclusion: Make sure your clan is well organised before you join a league!
- [cb admin]Ethereal -
International Ladder
M v 8: 16-1 - (ctf2/ctf1)
[ M -
8 ]
This War was arranged to prove to Clan [8] we were not cheaters so this went ahead
on Clanbase's own server. The first map was q3ctf2, One of my fav's =)... It all went
well, both teams were playing strong for the first few minutes it all ended up in one big
war the score for that level 8-1 to Mex... The second map was q3ctf1 we do not really
play this map much, so [8] had the advantage... This level also went well for Mex 8-0 to
Mex =). Final score 16-1. Both Teams played well, We would like to play [8] again
anytime =). Good Game Teams. Greetz.
- [M]GuineaPIG -
16 - 1 again hehehe, but I got the consolation flag run again !!!! and a magic
humiliation when one of the MEX turned on me and thought he could take me with the
Gauntlet. Better sharpen it before you come for me m8, I was lafin so much I forgot to
screen dump it. So you're safe, can't even remember which it was, but then I'm sure he
doesn't want to remember it .
At the LAN party we had a Gauntlet vs rail match...guess which I was practicing with,
Go for the kill m8 not the humiliation, . Anyway gave me some enjoyment out of an
otherwise bad game for us.
Some of our clan are struggling with high pings so we may have to find some more even
playing fields if all the clans here are full of lpbs.
- [8]BucK -
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The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League
The Justice League (UK) First round played !
Great fun was had by all with the Zero Gravity settings (except those that got sick ;) .. you can expect a TJL web page up in the next week or so.
Following a successful first round of The Justice League here are the scores for the first week:
TJD vs RSi : 14 - 0
UKSG vs LE : 2 - 7
TAA vs BBC : 0 - 20
Hg vs HC : 8 - 3
DS vs AFC : 20 - 0
RaGe vs UKF : 0 - 24
CK vs AFT : 10-2
by - Slave @ www.powerslave.net -
the jump off point for the UK CTF gamer.
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Details here:

The Justice League
[T] versus NSM : 4-3 (ctf1/ctf3)
TFR versus U-69 : 18-0
plt versus [C] : 1-0 (default win)
We need your help!
- by [CL/CLL]Divine -
Since Pacifer is practically out of the game, we need to settle this tournament. We whish to complete this with another CL Championship, but then we need your help. We are searching for some programmers with some extra time and a heart for q2ctf to complete this.
Contact me in #fuse so I can tell you what we really need your help for, and then I will tell you about our future plans within the scene. We will need more admins and writers later, I will let you all know.
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[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
BarrysworldQ3League CTF * nEo division 1 champs ! *
nEo claimed the Division 1 title on Tuesday by defeating E, and OG clenched the Divsion 4 title last week; Divisions 2 & 3 have one more week to play to decide the winners.
- Caitiri -
Week 9 News & Winners
nEo (New European Order) deny E (Emporio) the title by taking points off them in their match up, and win the league due to a better number of outright fixture wins. There has been a lot of controversy over the way nEo won the title, but rules are rules and there are times when both clans have benefitted by them this season. Divisions 2 & 3 reach their conclusion in Week 10, and there promises to be some very good games.
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
- by Caitiri @ www.gamepig.com
In a surprising move, virus23 was unsuspended from the ladder and promptly challenged The Peacemakers for the #1 spot; The Knights of Ni have challenged Spice Boys for #3 and will play on Tuesday; Wicked Mojo has challenged c@ck for the #4 spot and will play on Monday; relentless looks to break into the top 20 on Sunday when they play NCC for #16; and RailWhores defeated Relentless Assault last night to keep their perfect record at 5-0.
Q3CTF League
LsD Div 3 Champs
- by Caitiri @ www.gamepig.com
Large Scale Destruction (LSD) completed off their season with a win over Fate's Minions (FM); LsD went undefeated at 7-0 for the season, giving them the East Division 3 title. F8S also finished off their season defeating Kitten's Litter, giving them a season record of 2-5. In East Div 1, ZEN defeated deoxyribonucleic acid in a 3-map game. Tonight, TEJAZ will finish up their season by playing Elite Strike in the West Division at 10PM EDT.
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