European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Monday - June 12
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Hall of Fame
Savage Academy s3-Cup: DW
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
June 13
Match for third place: NO v TQA
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
June 14 
Final: E v AoS
Savage League Q2CTF
Next Season: Season 10 (June 18)
Savage League Q3CTF
June 11 June 18
Season-1: Week 5
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
June 18-19:
Season-2: Week 6
replay Week5: end of the season
June 12-18 
Season-1: Week 1

[Hall of Fame]
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I've added clan
to the * Hall of Fame * !
DW won the Savage Q2CTF Academy s3-CUP on June 11, 2000...
Congratulations DW ! :)
You can find the Hall of Fame
* Here *
[*] Top of Page
Academy s3-CUP

DW victorious !
Clan DW (Digital Warfare) won the Savage Academy s3-CUP by defeating raGe in the final...
raGe failed to field a full team and played with 3 players for about 5 minutes in the final...
The competition took place on Sunday 11th June 2000 from 5pm (UK time) and involved 15 clans, in a q2ctf knockout tournament......
Participating teams :
Az, S-D, TCE, sYn, raGe, AA, R!, TMC, WkB, THC, YWN, AFC, DW, SC, Scream
Related links:
| Clan DW |
Academy Cup Website |
Savage Q2CTF
Academy s3-CUP
clan DW
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
es Advances in Q3CTFL...
- by Twitch @
In a late night match, Elite Strike downed The Untouchables, to advance to the Western division championship in the
Q3CTFL Tourney,
where they will face wfk for the title.
The first map was the es choice of Courtyard Conundrum, q3wctf2. UT took an early 1-0 lead, but es bounced back for a 4-1 win. UT then chose Dueling Keeps, ctf1, for their choice. UT dominated the map the entire way through, and ended up winning by a 10-1 score. Being the lower seed, es chose the tiebreaker map, Finnegan's Revenge (w3). Again, UT took an early 1-0 lead, before es ran off 3 caps. UT made an aggressive push at the end, but was unable get the tying cap. The final score was 3-2.
QTV spectator demos are available. Unfortunately, our QTV server decided to core dump during the second map, so the demo is incomplete. Team point of view demos will be available for that map on the Q3CTFL results page, however.
In the meantime, here are the QTV demos:
Map 1 (wctf1) |
Map 2 (ctf1) |
Map 3 (wctf3) |
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