European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Summer - Holliday
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Summer Holliday
[*] Previous Summer Updates...
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer is in Holliday mode/mood... which means that the news may or may not be updated the rest of August :)
Site News
* Updated the 'Hall of Fame' section and added
clan nEo who won the Savage Q3CTF Cup.
Upcoming League Rounds
YM league Q1 NQCTF
Next season: September
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Summer Cup
Savage League Q2CTF
s10 Cup
August 13 & August 20
Savage League Q2CTF
Next Sunday (august 6)
Season 10: week 7
Savage League Q2 3tCTF
Next Sunday (august 6)
Season-5: Week 6
Summer Break
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
Summer Cup
Savage League Q3CTF
Next season: Season-2, August 6th 2000
Savage Academy Q3CTF
Sunday August 6
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Next season: Season-3, Sunday August 13

[Hall of Fame]
Summer Holliday updates...
Summer Holliday updates...
Summer Holliday updates...
99c Release Date- Sunday @ 8 pm EST - [cctf]hb0mb -
We finally came up with a release date here at CCTF headquarters.
We decided that we will release 99c on Sunday @ 8 pm EST, yes that's right Sunday @ 8 pm EST.
Hope to see you all in the chan #classic_ctf on so you can get it first =).

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CCTF 0.99c will be the LAST BETA version of CCTF... All weapon physics will remain the Quake3 default values.
New Ladder/Tier System
- by Voodoo & Won @ TEARS
It will all end in TEARS...
TEARS is a new Q2CTF league based on the clan ladder/tier system.
What is TEARS ?
Tears is an uncomplicated ladder (tier) system designed with the q2ctf community in mind.
Rule changes will be decided by the people that play within it.
The best feature of tears is that when it settles down, teams will be playing other teams of similar ability to themselves.
The random map generator will introduce some element of chance.
Teams will not know what map they are playing until just before the game.
Good luck, and keep some tissues handy.
- [tears] Voodoo & Won -
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Find out more:
Q2 3tCTF
League admin LJ is creating a
section on the 3tctf site with information about each map. (maps 1 to 15)
Me myself created a new skin pack for the 3tCTF mod...
With these new skins the Green and Blue teams are easier to keep apart.
Green players have dark trousers, blue players have white trousers... if you keep that in mind its easier to see the
difference even from far.
So, if you play in the 3tctf league, you may want to try these
new skins
| More details on 3tCTF can be found here:
[Savage Q2 3tCTF]
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[New 3tCTF Skins]
s10 CUP
s10 CUP
s10 CUP
s10 CUP
s10 CUP
s10 CUP
- by [savage]Rico @ SavageUK
You can now register your clan for the SavageUK Season 10 Q2 CTF Cup.
The cup is open to any Q2 CTF clan, in the UK, Europe or beyond.
This cup will be played on Sunday August 13th and Sunday August 20th, depending on the number of entrants.
| More details can be found here:
[Savage Q2CTF]
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New Season News
Draft Divisions
- by [barrysworld]BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
I have posted draft divisions for Season 3, clans feel free to have a look and if you have any requests to move division then let me ( know with reasons as to why. You have until Sunday Evening to change divisions, with the schedules for Season 3 being released on the Monday 7th August for a Sunday 13th August start.
Clans are also asked to check their clan info in the competing clans section and mail me any changes (such as new websites urls or playerlist changes). I did notice a few clans only had 4 or 5 players, you really need to have at least 6 or 7 to be able to compete properly in the league so get recruiting :).
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
Super Sunday Cup
nEo win the Cup !
- by [savage]Slave @ SavageUK
A quick post to congratulate Clan nEo on winning the SavageUK Q3ctf Super Sunday Cup ..
nEo battled though 4 ever increasing in length games to win the Cup against CN 4-1 in the 40 min final.
Results for all the games played last night can be found
| More details can be found here:
[Savage Q3CTF]
* CTF Observer's * Hall of Fame * will be updated soon :)
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Savage 3tCTF
Season 4

3 Team CTF
3 Team CTF
3 Team CTF
3 Team CTF
3 Team CTF
Q2 3tCTF
Week 5 (season 5)
- by [savage]LJ
Week 5 Anyone got a Light?
- by [savage]LJ
As [ZOO]Ebola asked after the game "Where was the Flash Light?".
Referring of course to the rather dark level that we just finished playing on.
It didn't stop them winning their match against FRE and WkB though.
D1 sees DS take back their 1st place from the previous week with a win over PS and NKO. With IF stomping their opponents in their match I can see a real crunch game between IF, PS and DS coming up in 3 weeks time. So with DS taking a point lead over PS at the top, we see that NKO have knocked AFT down into 6th place on caps difference at the bottom.
A late run of caps by ZOO saw FRE lose their grip on leader in the match and means that ZOO stay 3 points ahead of TJD who also won their match but by a much tighter margin, with a single cap over GnA.
Next week is "Aces High" (3tctf8) and is a large map!

Just before [zoo]Miner is about to score the
first capture in the WkB-ZOO-FRE match, he
ate [WkB]Andy's rocket... but before Andy
could return his flag [zoo]Boel picked it up
and made the capture... close one :)
Savage League
3 Team CTF
Savage League
3 Team CTF
As I said last time, in 3-team-ctf funny things often happen... this week [WkB]Andy was the clown ;).
I was reloading next to our shiny green flag while [WkB]Andy of the red team stole the blue flag of [FRE]... crossed half the level, stormed into our green base with the blue flag on his back and got shot by me in a reflex... I picked up the blue flag and made the capture ;) ... it's lovely when one enemy brings the flag of the other enemy :)) Love you for that Andy
Anyway... we made a false start in the first minutes of the game because this time we had no pre-match preparation at all so we had to sort that out during the game... in the end it worked out ok... [WkB] launched multiple aggressive attacks on our base during the game and they attacked often with 3 players... gg WkB and FRE gg too of course :)
Division-1: DS, PS, IF, LD50, NKO, AFT
Division-2: ZOO, TJD, FRE, GnA, UKSG, WKB
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[Savage Q2 3tCTF]
The Savage Q2 3tCTF league (CTF with 3 teams) is a friendly league for enjoyable teamplay, No swearing at others or about
the server... the league is played without Techs and Quad. One game of 30 minutes is played. Winner gets 3 points, Second
gets 2, Third gets 1 point... the score is based on captures only.
Season 2
- by [savage]Thor @ SavageUK
I am pleased to announce that the new Season will start on Sunday 6th August 2000. Divisional placings and fixtures will be put up on the website later in the week.
| More details can be found here:
[Savage Q3CTF]
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