European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Weekend - May 6/7
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Hall of Fame
[*] SavageLeague CTF
Q3CTF Fixtures...
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
Savage League
Sunday May 7:
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Sunday May 14:
Start of Season 2 Q3CTF League
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I'm busy creating a CTF Hall of Fame... a list about which clan won which cup or season in the European Quake competitions.
The list is still under construction and I'm still looking for more info, currently I'm searching for German and Italian
cup/season/etc winners... If you find any error in the list or have info about other (european) cup/league winners please
about that... please don't mail me Love Letter virusses please :P
You can find the Hall of Fame list (so far...) in the 'menu' on top of this page.
sunday update
K... okidoki... I've added the following to the * Hall of Fame *:
* Championsleague (CL) (Scandinavian region) - Q2CTF
* Triad (LAN) (Scandinavian region) - Q2CTF
* Triad2 (LAN) (Scandinavian region) - Q2CTF
... Thank you [BBQ]Nikodemus :)
* Savage Council v ClanBase Crew - Q2CTF (2 year SavageLeague, Anniversary Match)
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[Hall of Fame]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Fixtures... -
by [savage]Slave
saturday report
Season1 Fixtures
The fixtures are up for Season1 of the q3ctf League. Due to a couple of last minute drop outs we've brought in a few of the Clans that were on the waiting list.
New clans to the league are as follows:
* Veni Vidi Vici (United Kingdom)
* BRITISH COMMANDOS (United Kingdom)
* Attack Team One (United Kingdom)
* LEGEND (United Kingdom)
* post Mortem (Netherlands)
* Psychotic Head Drillerz (Iceland)
As the last couple of weeks have shown, it seems clans sometimes don't know they're about to fold until the night they're due to play and sometimes clans fold but then forget to tell anyone about it!. So it's possible there will yet be a couple
of defaults. We've done our best to minimise this and we'll have to wait and see what happens on the night.
Time differences
Also .. Please remember that all times on the fixtures list are BST (British Summer Time)
so if your clan is from europe you'll need to add one hour to the time your shown to be playing.
ie 17.00 on the fixtures list equals 18.00 CET.
The last thing I just have to say is Good Luck to all the clans in the League and above all have fun. We do this League for you guys and we hope you all enjoy it .. :)
Season1 starts this Sunday !
Just a quick heads up to remind people that the SavageUK q3ctf League Season1 starts this Sunday at 5pm !
(6pm if you live in the 'European time zone')
Upgrade !
Note that you have to upgrade your Quake3 with the v1.17 pointrelease to be able to play Sunday ! ...
For the v1.17 Point Release see CTF Observer:
- Ebola -
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[Savage Q3CTF]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
saturday match
NO v BAD: 30-2 - (ctf1/sumactf6)
Match demos at ClanBase:
[ demos ]
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
- by Caitiri @
saturday report
Last night deoxyribonucleic acid defeated Red Dragons in two straight maps to advance into round 3 of the winners bracket, while RD drops into the losers bracket. dna will face the winner of Wicked Mojo/Rape The Morgue and RD will face underground quakers.
Upcoming this weekend: on Saturday - wfk vs KT at 9:30PM PDT; on Sunday - Pm vs CC at 8PM EDT, UT vs O at 8PM PDT.
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