Todays weather report:
A calm European QuakeCTF front...
Things are a little bit quiet these days... maybe a storm is coming ? Don't know. :)
What I do know is that
(Classic CTF) is coming our way soon... If you like previous QuakeCTF versions but don't like Q3CTF 'out of the box' then
CCTF is for you :) ... It's basically Quake3 in terms of game-physics but you can fly around with the grapple, drop items, use/share techs etc... play CTF basically... not DM with flags ;) Just play CTF like you used to do in the previous quake series but within the beautiful scenery of Quake3... what more can a CTF'r ask for ? :)
Akai, on with the weather report...
In the North-West of Europe, in the
clan NO suffered from a depression in the Q2CTF area when they where caught in the middle of a tornado-like
storm front called raGe... raGe won with 33 captures against non for NO.
In the dutch Q3CTF area the forecasted storm called VP v GoD didn't take place:
*G.o.D.* didn't have enough members available... too bad. Better luck next time.
- [VP]Renegade
In the International area of ClanBase Q3CTF however, a Austrian hurricane (clan art) raged over Germany
(clan HC)... art -v- HC : 25-1
End of today's weather report...
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