European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Week: September 4-10
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
Friday - September 8
YM League
New season ready to go...
- source: YourMother @ ym-league
After clan Brutal won the first edition of the dutch 'YM NQCTF League' it's now time to start the next season...
The new season of dutch NQCTF YM-League starts on tuesday, september 11.
There will be 7 competing clans:
Brutal, CN, KOI, BAR, DE, QF1, MC
The league last 7 weeks and 6 clans play 1 war each week, because there are 7 clans competing there will be one clan each week without a war...
Round-1 Schedule (September 11...17)
[MC v DE] - [QF1 v CN] - [BAR v KOI]
No game this round: Brutal
Related Links:
NQ Clanwars:
YM-League-1: Season-1
YM-League-2: Season-2
(current season)
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YM League II
The YM League is named after 'Your Mother', founder of the league, and is a dutch Quake (Q1) NQCTF competition...
NQCTF stands for "Normal Quake CTF", not normal would be QuakeWorld (QW) ;)
Q2CTF OGL European ladder
OGL European ladder
OGL European ladder
OGL European ladder
Thursday - September 7
European Ladder
Battle for first place.
- by Malle @
We faced our beloved enemy Noll8 in OGL. The map to be played was CTF2. We began playing at Noll8's new server, which seemed to be somewhat playable, and then continued on eDome. BBQ came out on top on both of the servers. The final score was 30 - 0 in our favour. It was certainly an interesting fight....
Read more in the
section @
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Match demos on BBQ site:
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
Thursday - September 7
Q2 3tCTF
Season 5's Last round Predictions
- by DaMaK @ SavageUK
This will be a exciting final round, as division-1 title is still open for 2 clans. And in division-2 there r 2 clans that have a chance to promote to division-1. ZOO allready promotd in a great season. Map for this round is 3tctf10.(best map imo)
| Read the full Predictions here:
[3tCTF Predictions]
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Savage UK Q3CCTF
Savage UK Q3CCTF
Savage UK Q3CCTF
Savage UK Q3CCTF
Savage UK Q3CCTF
Wednesday - September 6
[CCTF Site]
Q3CCTF League
CCTF League Starts Next Tuesday
- by IT @ SavageUK
Starting 8:00pm GMT Tuesday 12/9/00 the first season of the SavageUK Q3CCTF league will begin. Two divisions will compete over a 7 week period, on 7 maps (Q3CCTF 1,2,4,5,6,7,8).
Games will be 1 x 30 minutes, with no game pauses. There will be no golden cap, and a draw will be treated as a draw, full details of the rules will be posted over the next few days, with the fixtures and tables.
At the end of the season, the bottom 2 clans from division 1 will go down and the top 2 clans from division 2 will go up...
[more @ savageuk]
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Q3cCTF - ClassicCTF
CCTF 0.99c will be the LAST BETA version of CCTF...
Q3 Classic CTF
Wednesday - September 6
List of changes in v1.0
- by Ark @ ClassicCTF
Well, the code is probably done, or almost done, a list of all the changes that have made it into the first true release of CCTF can be found:
We are still waiting for some bugfixes on some maps and a few new graphics, etc, before 1.0 will be released
Some snippets from the update list:
* Added individual Captures to scoreboard.
* Colorized team overlay locations if they contain the word "red" or "blue"
* Lowered nailgun damage from 18 to 15.
* Reduced data sent from server to client for super nail gun shots to reduce lag
for players with low bandwidth.
* Lowered the amount of nails and plasma cells you can hold to 100.
* Lowered the number of nails in a box of ammo to 30, and the gun to 40.
* Fixed bug where you could shoot thru floors up at people and hit them thru
the floor with splash damage.
* Fixed bug where simpleitem runes would show thru walls.
* Fixed bug where phantom grapple rope would stay until level ended when players
disconnected while firing the grapple.
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Q3cCTF - ClassicCTF
[CCTF Site]
[CCTF Fan Site]
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
SavageUK Q2 3teamCTF
Wednesday - September 6
Q2 3tCTF
3tCTF Demos!
- by LJ @ SavageUK
Well check out the following
that [DS]HR and myself knocked up.
One problem is though that Netscape doesn't like it do looks like you'll have to use Internet Explorer to download the demos!
Nice bonus of this demo-archive is that you can view 'stats' like score, frags, efficiency, etc, and so called
'awards' like Overall Awards, Weapon Awards, Suicide Awards, etc... :)
Last Sunday...
Last Sunday week-round-9 was completed on 3tCTF3 "Rendez-vous with Death"... only one week-round remains and will be played
next Sunday on 3tCTF10 "Final Fight"...
PS is leading DS with 1 point followed by IF... PS and DS meet again in the next and
last match of the season to battle it out for the season-5 title in the LD50-PS-DS match.
ZOO already secured the division-2 title and play in division-1 next season.
The battle for second place is still in progress with FRE leading with 1 point before GnA.
Division-1: PS, DS, IF, LD50, NKO, AFT
Division-2: ZOO, FRE, GNA, TJD, UKSG, WKB
3tCTF s5-CUP
The Season5 3tCTF CUP starts after Season 5 finishes and will be played on 3tCTF2k1 "Darclomon's Altar".
Download the map here:
and check out the small report on the
3tctf Maps
| More details on 3tCTF can be found here:
[Savage Q2 3tCTF]
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[Custom 3tCTF Skins]
Tuesday - September 5
ChampionsLeague 2000
CLL relaunch -
The Grand Opening of the ChampionsLeague 2000...
by fuel @
After a lot of hard work the new ChampionsLeague is finally up and running.
As of today, registration for Q2CTF is open to everyone.
Now, when we are set to launch Q2CTF, we will start working on the other mods/games that we will feature in the
near future: Q2DM, Q3DM, Q3CCTF and Counter-Strike.
Visit the ChampionsLeague site :
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See also Issue:
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Tuesday - September 5
Season 3
Week 3
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
After last weeks break normal service was resumed with the matches going by fairly smoothly. The last weeks of the summer holidays led to a few last minute postponements, but other than that there were the usual mix of close matches and big wins.
This coming week sees a return back to fairly standard ctf maps.
All tables and results are up to date.
You can find demos of some of the leagues games on the BarrysWorld FTP:
[FTP Season3]
is where to point ya browsers/ftp clients. Each week more demos will be added, so its worth checking back regularly.
More at: [BWQ3L-CTF]
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
Monday - September 4
First games played...
The first games in the Tears league have been played...
- WkB defeated challenger THC on q2ctfw4 McKinley Stronghold.
- LD50 defeated TUA(GM).
Thanks to THC for the game, Good game and good fun, nice to play for 30 mins as well.
score was 7-0 to WkB btw.
Q2ctfw4 hmm, nice map acshully, none of us had played it except badass, lol.
Cross-steal in first minute of the game.
[WkB]Andy recovers the flag from MmM,
[WkB]Bef makes the first capture a bit later...
TEARS, Challenging....
A clan may challenge any clan in the tier above them and if the challenging clan wins they will rise to the tier above them, the losing team dropping to the lower tier...
Before the game the admin will initiate the random map generator which will decide the map and the team colour for each clan... teams don't not know which map will be played until just before the game... once the map is known both teams have 5 minutes to sort out positions and tactics and go to the server to play one game of 30 minutes.
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Pre-game prayer:
'Give us Amp oh cruel server :)'
Find out more @
You need map
to view the demo
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Monday - September 4
Demoplex Invitational
Poll: CTF or CCTF ?
by whizperz @
We are thinking about doing another invitational tournament like we did before. I know the first one was a little rocky, but we learned from our mistakes and we should do much better this time.
What we need to know is whether people want it to be a Q3CTF (zoid's) or Q3CCTF tournament.
This poll will determine the outcome:
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