Main Editor: Ebola!!
Tuesday November 2
*** :) Congratulations ClanBase :) ***
One year ago, November 1998, ClanBase was founded by Talita... Massacre and Di-Fosfor helped out by beta-testing and giving advice.
At the end of the same month a new member joined the clanbase crew..... Amsterdam Rob.
Now, one year later, ClanBase has grown up into a professional site wich
centralizes clans, players, wars, ladders, leagues and cups. Furthermore there's all the other stuff you would expect, like news, forums and links.
Happy Anniversery ClanBase Crew
Well done !

ClanBase CTF-Cup
Matches Played:
Premier League
NuT5 v THC: 14-4
Today's Matches:
Premier League
DTF(2) v SS(5)
X(4) v PK(3)
7DS(10) v DCB(9)
Second League
ZP(1) v KfK(6)
ClanBase Dutch CTF Ladder
X v HC: 10-0
KfK v PDL: 26-0
OGL, Euro Open CTF
VSE defeats NSM
Map: McKinley Revival
VSE takes over the number #1 spot from NSM
fuse defeats sic
Map: Capture Showdown
Well, kind of funny fight, they got most of the techs, we played on their server, on
their conditions, in another country, still they had to make excuses... next time we will
play on tnx, probably complaints wherever we play... their 4 man def (5 from time to
time) were pretty hard to penetrate... gg fuse
- [fuse]Divine
01 VSE
02 NSM
03 BBQ
04 Ip7
05 strYk
06 ASF
07 6Pac
08 OSS
09 noll8
10 K13