UK Savage 3tCTF League
This Sunday's schedule
Division-1 (13:30)
eXe v DS v Rv
Division-2a (14:15)
CO v RSC v RSi
Division-2b (15:00)
PR v GnA v TD
There will be played on 3tCTF2 Waterworld.
For more details:
UK 3tCTF League

CTF Stories
Clan VSE and their Timer...
Two days ago VSE defeated BBQ in OGL's European Open CTF Ladder and became the new number one.
[See also our Friday September 24 '99 issue]
VSE members use a special timer to time the quad and powershields... you can witness this in a in-eyes-demo of one of the VSE teammembers...

Some say it's cheating some say it isn't... however, this is what [VSE]Vead has to say about it:
God I wish it did'nt show on thoose demos... =)
What I think is that anything that only enhances teamplay is a good thing.
Anything that enhances a players skill or ability to kill someone is cheating
(pre-trail rox, bots, spikes and what not). What all serious CTF clans strive for is to
be the ultimate teamplay machine. It would be a terrible waste to not utilize all
possible aids to achieve TP greatness.
Our timer does'nt do anything that our old timer could'nt do, it just does the same
tasks "hassle-free" and more accurately. Sure this is an advantage over other
clans, but its not a big advantage. If the clan we play against know how to use their
timer, the advantage we gain by using our new timer is certainly not enough to win
a match! Being on LAN or having a FPS-computer are also advantages that give
just as much or more to the team. But there will won't be total fairness in internet
games. Some clans will have some advantages, some will have others and some
won't have any advantage at all. This just sucks ofcourse, but its the way things
This is only my personal opinion, I can't speak on behalf of the entire clan.
[VSE]Vead - 24.09.99 / 09:29