European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Week: October 2-8
CTF's 4th anniversary
CTF's 4th anniversary
CTF's 4th anniversary
CTF's 4th anniversary
CTF's 4th anniversary
Friday - October 6
CTF's 4th Anniversary
- by: Ebola
Today is the 4th anniversary of CTF :)
Happy Birthday CTF, You are 4 years old now ;))
A New Threewave Q3CTF Map Pack ?
- by Insanity @
Yup, its the 4th anniversary of the popular mod CTF.
had an interview with bt|Casey, one of the level designers from Threewave, where he told them he was making a second mappack (containing 5 new maps) for Q3CTF, and that he was aiming for a release on october 6th, the 4th anniversary.
I don't want to commit to a specific date, but the 4th anniversary of CTF is coming up on Oct 6th, and that would be a really good time to shoot for. I'm buried in work right now so I don't know if that is a realistic date for me.
[*] Top of Page
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Tuesday - October 3
Season 3
Week 7
- by BigFoot @ BWQ3L-CTF
An interesting week, returning to more familiar grounds after harshg, the controversial yet seemingly very popular map of Week 6, saw wins for most of those expected although there were a few upsets (XL beating GM in Division2 as one of
the main surprises).
This week coming (week 8) see's the use of gefsctf2, a map which had a fair bit of support during the close season from what i read around the various forums and the mails i received, but has since been criticised for being too defensive.
We are only using it once this season, and it may not be re-used again, but it will be interesting to see what kind of
games develop from it.
All the scores and tables are up to date...
You can find demos of some of the leagues games on the BarrysWorld FTP:
[FTP Season3]
is where to point ya browsers/ftp clients. Each week more demos will be added, so its worth checking back regularly.
[*] Top of Page

-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
There is a change to the prize on offer for Division1 this season. The winning clan will now be able to choose from the current prize (vouchers + bw stuff), or a dedicated port on one of our rentable clan servers which will be coming online soon + bw stuff.
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
YM League Q1 NQCTF
Tuesday - October 3
YM League
Round-3 matches:
QF1 v KOI / MC v Brutal
- source: YourMother @ nqctf
QF1 v KOI |
Let's start with the "easy" one... KOI and QF1 played their
war yesterday at 20:00 hours. It promised to be a difficult match for KOI since they lost earlier this
year against QF1 and KOI is still not in top shape... and it was defenitely a close one... But KOI won
this time with 2 - 0
- Full match report on the nqctf site here:
[QF1 v KOI]
MC v Brutal |
The second war, the "difficult" one... MC and Brutal were playing their war at 21:00 hours.
The first map was the Brutal map E4M8. This map has a bug which causes a server crash when you step on
the exit gate... and yes, this happened. MC was ahead 24 points and was looking to make another cap with 5
minutes to go. But due to the crash this map had to be played all over again. But first they played
the MC map (CTF2M1) which was easily won by MC. Next was the E4M8 map again. This time
Brutal won the map. Big Bird of MC dropped during the game... but nobody noticed it.
Therefore MC was down with one player for several minutes.... War result: 1 - 1
Replay-Round Schedule (October 2-8)
[QF1 v CN]
YM League II
YM League II
YM League II
Related Links:
NQ Clanwars :
YM-League-1: Season-1
YM-League-2: Season-2
[*] Top of Page
War result is based on map wins (points, not captures).
Two maps are played, the map winner receives 1 point, a draw results in 0.5 points for
both clans.

[NQCTF / YM League]
Monday - October 2
European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I've added clan
to the Hall of Fame !
IF won the season5-Cup of SavageUK Q2 3tCTF !
Congratulations IF !
You can find the Hall of Fame
* Here *
Final map: 3tCTF2k1, 'Darclomon's Altar'

|IF|Struis (red), [DS]RH and [DS]BU...
[*] Top of Page
IF Cup Champoins
- by LJ @ SavageUK
IF are the first 3tctf Cup Champs with a tense battle against Hg and DS.
The Semi-Finals:
With DS stomping over their 2 opponents in their semi final 22-5-1, it was going to be the second semi where the other 2 clans for the final would come from. The 2nd semi was probably one of the closest matches in 3tctf history. Hopefully someone will email a demo of their game so I can upload it for everyone to see, but with ZOO having connections problems
(The other 2 clans, IF & Hg, had connection problems to. - Ebola)
they were just beaten by a single cap into 3rd place. IF and Hg took the semi final placings with both clans getting a nail biting 9 captures to ZOO's 8.
The Final:
The final was very much a 2 horse race after the first few minutes. IF and DS battled it out in the middle stealing flags from any poor FC who ventured too long in the middle area. DS took the lead and gained a 3 or 4 cap lead over IF before IF got them selves organised and started to pull the lead back. It was neck and neck for quite some time with DS and IF taking turns to make caps. Hg tried their hardest to put pay the the other clan's ideas but as soon as IF and DS knew they were the weakest target it was going to be impossible to stop. If took a 3 cap lead towards the end of the match and DS struggled to counter it. DS did pull the lead back to 2 caps at one point but it wasn't enough.
Congratulations IF.
Related clan links:
IF |
DS |
Hg |

SavageUK 3tCTF
Savage 3tCTF


Instant Fatality