Savage UK Mission Main Editor: Ebola!! Friday December 17 
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Savage League

The SavageUK Mission

'To create the best independent collection of CTF Leagues in the world'

The above is what SavageUK is all about, no more no less. We are gamers trying to give gamers a platform which allows them to have exciting,competitive and above all fun games in an organised way every single week. We do all the hard work and all you have to do is turn up at the right time. To do this there are a few of things a League needs to survive ..
  1. People to run the Leagues
  2. People to Admin the games
  3. The goodwill of the players
  4. Game Servers
We have people to help run the Leagues and we have people to help Admin the games. From the very start SavageUK has had the goodwill of the players. The sticking point has always been the Game Servers and from day one Savage has always had to beg, borrow and steal Game servers each week to allow organised games to go ahead. It doesn't end there, what happens when you want to change or add a new map to the server? or change the settings of the server? Because Savage never had total control over the servers we sometimes had to wait 6 weeks before anything was done.

Now look at that Mission statement again. To keep to that statement we could not allow this situation to go on and we knew if we didn't do something soon the whole league would go down the tubes.

For the last 6 months or so Savage has been courted by numerous people, organisations and ISPs all wanting to help out in some way shape or form. These offers ranged from people offering us the use of their servers in exchange for something in return, to large (and not so large) organisations coming along thinking they could take over the League as long as they offered a carrot for us to follow. None of these situations were good for the League or you the player.

We then got a mail off [ABFAB]Vincent or Alex as he sometimes likes to be known. In his mail Alex said that for sometime he had been looking for a way to put his UKCCL Leagues onto a much firmer footing much like ourselves. He went on to explain that he had found an ISP that was willing to fund a purpose built Game Server Network with it's own dedicated Dialup which The UKCCL would have full control over and could do what they liked with. At the end of the mail he asked if SavageUK would like the use of these servers with no strings attached. In effect Savage and the UKCCL would agree to a partnership that would allow SavageUK to complete the above mission statement.

To say that we jumped at the chance would be incorrect. Due to the above mentioned offers from other organisations we were very careful to say yes to anything until we were sure that what we were agreeing to was above board and good for us as a League and you the gamer. We are pleased to say that Alex and The UKCCL did not disappoint and we are now in a position where we feel confident to say yes.

So, what are we getting for our money (so to speak) ..
  1. A Dedicated Dialup
  2. Savage Public Servers
  3. Savage Match Servers
  4. Web Hosting
  5. A 155 Meg pipeline
  6. Full Independence
And what does the UKCCL want in return?
  1. Nothing except for us to run the Leagues in a professional way
Which has to be said we were doing anyway.

This partnership is going to help in other ways too. We already have on the drawing board joint SavageUK/UKCCL LAN parties planned and with the 2 biggest and most respected Leagues in the UK coming together it's going to give us the clout needed to get things done, which in the short and long term, is going to be good for The League, our Admins, you the Players and for the gaming scene in the UK and Europe in general.

Excited .. you bet we are .. :)

Savage League