Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday - March 30
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
CRuSH versus BUFU: 10-9 (ctf1/ctf2)
CRuSH v BUFU - report by CRuSH
We won vs [BUFU] in the cll, with player shortage we used two modem - players, one having the bad luck of averaging 300-500 ping.
But we got away with just a 7-2 loss on ctf1.
We got reinforced with one lpb after litle more then half ctf1 was played. We started of ctf2 with one hpw and got amp. We managed to fight ourselfes back and won 8-2. I'd just wanna say that this match should never had been played at all. I'm just happy we came through and won. Anyways...gg guys

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
NO v TQA: 13-2 - (ctf1/ctf2)
( Dutch Ladder )
AoS v TQA: 8-1 - (wctf2/wctf3)
( Dutch Ladder )
Today: DTF v RaGe [Cup play-offs] [q2ctf cup winter 2000]
KfK timer illegal in Savage ?
- Quake2
Its a form of 'proxy' in that it intercepts and modifies Quake2 network code or packets.
- Requ!em
According to the rules it would be banned since it is team synching.
- Manta
It intercepts and modifies packets sent from the server to your PC.
It's a proxy, that's against the savage rules. Although the rules should be clearer: a proxy means anything that alters/modifies the packets sent by the server to the client.
- Mrs B
As for whether it's allowed or not, that's still being argued...
- Mrs B
Source: Savage forum
[ posting 002175 ]
Quest level editor
version 2.4
- (Quake1/2/3, Sin, Heretic2)
New features include: full Quake 3 support.
Author: Alexander Malmberg, Helsingborg, Sweden
C. Carollo and T. Harrison made the original Quest level editor and released the source code when they quit.
Quest level editor
Test Your Quake Speed
In addition to tactical and strategic skills, excellence in Deathmatch relies heavily on basic point-n-click speed.
See how many times you can click the selected button in 30 seconds. A decent gibmeister should be able to fire off a
click a second, scoring at least 30.

QuakeSpeed Test
Q3Cheating Feature at www.planetquake3.net
- 0CooL
Quake III Arena hasn't even been out for even a year now and people are already writing codes that enable players to cheat.
[ PQ3 Feature ]
Q3 AutoFire bot
[censored] Auto-Shooter v1.0 (censored) By [censored]
From the readme:
This is NOT an aim-bot, but more like an auto-shooter. It auto shoots when a player crosses your crosshair. This is only good for LOCAL server and UNPURE server unless the server has the same pak. There is no prediction in this auto-shooter. I put a little more into this then just auto-shoot...
Imagine what happens when you hold the railgun in your hands and someone passes your crosshair...
[Lama-Rating: 10]