ClanBase CTF-Cup
Matches Played:
Premier League
Second League
WOG v SQA: 0-41
Today's Matches:
Premier League
Second League

ClanBase Dutch CTF Ladder
X v PK: 11-6
[X]NoBoDy just before he lost the flag after he got railed by [PK]deepCore! ...
[X]*1* picked up the flag before [PK]deepCore! could recover it ...
[X]*1* takes the elevator to his base, surviving a rail hit from deepCore! ...
[X]*1* steps out of the elevator and made the capture...
q2ctf2, X v PK: 1-0
CTF2: X:6 / PK:4
CTF5: X:5 / PK:2
OGL, Euro Open CTF
BBQ defeated strYk
map: Bloody Waste
OSS Defeated K13
map: McKinley Revival
This victory brings OSS (Denmark) into the top ten on 8th place and, because of this, clan DdB (Finland) is pushed out of the top 10.
01 NSM
02 VSE
03 BBQ
04 Ip7
05 strYk
06 ASF
07 6Pac
08 OSS
09 K13
10 F!

Euro Open Ladder