Main Editor: Ebola!!
Monday - February 28
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
ClanBase Q2CTF :
Sunday's matches
IQS v PK: 24-2 - ( Q2CTF-Cup )
[ details ]
XnC v VP: 6-2 - ( Dutch Ladder )
[ details ]
DOG v CNT: 7-2 - ( International )
[ details ]
Q3CTF League -
On its way...
The SavageUK's Q3CTF League took off yesterday evening...
Savage Q3CTF League
Mmmm... odd :)
I took a look at the ladder positions and found a clan called [F4F] Frag 4 Fun on top of
the list... how did they get there ? After a close look I noticed the -1 before the name...
gegege... o well :) So, BBQ is still number 1 followed by noll8 and 6Pac.

CLL Ladder screenshot (28-02-2000)
European open ladder
After 8 wins in a row noll8 became the new number one in OGL pushing BBQ one place down the
ladder to second place. noll8 became #1 after defeating BBQ on Bletey's Blues (rtctf1a) earlier this month.
Savage Q3CTF League

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
CCTF Public Beta
You can use the cctf messageboards to report bugs and bring up any gripes you have.
So if you don't like certain things in the beta let them know ! :)
[ CCTF Forums ]
Nuke is going to put up a cctf server list.
If you have a cctf server or if you are going to put up a dedicated server, email Nuke with the address, server name, and where its located.
[ CCTF Server Center ]
A small patch will be released as soon as the weaponskins are completed and when the features that are still missing are added...
CCTF Concept Art Center...
If you want to check out what the final Runes and some of the Ammo boxes will look like then go have a look at whiplash's concept art page...
[ CCTF Concept Art ]
Download the beta
PureCTF mod
- Beta Released
PureCTF is a CTF mod for Quake3. PureCTF adds several features, most of which can controlled by server admins. Further details and the download can be found at the Pure CTF site.
Source: Jody 'CaliGirl' Robinson
Features included in this verion are a grappling hook, runes (haste, resist, regen and strength), lighting gun discharge in water and four custom maps. The maps are:
pctf1 - Remake of ctf1 by Phatty and Lord Kalvin - original by Zoid
pctf2 - Remake of Juxtaposition from Quake2 by Phatty - original by Zoid
pctf3 - Original: Castles on a Cloud by TossSalad
pctf4 - Original: Castle CTF from Lord Kalvin
Source: Pappy-R at planetquake

pctf3 - Castles on a Cloud
Seeing the flag carrier jumping out of the fog cloud is really nice.
- Frenchy - Q3 CTF Map Repository
For more info and download visit:
Q3 PureCTF

pctf3 'Castles on a Cloud' by TossSalad