European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Weekend - May 27/28
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] NSL QuakeCTF
[*] Savage Q2CTF
Season 9/10 News...
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Play-Offs (Spring 2000)
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
May 22-28:
Play-Offs (Spring 2000)
Savage League
Next Season: Season 10 (June 18)
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
May 28/29:
Season-2: Week 3
June 12-18
Season-1: Week 1

[Hall of Fame]
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Cup - Spring 2000
friday match
AoS v WD: 15-3 (3-0 in maps) - (wctf2/wctf3/wctf1)
CB Report:
[ report ]
Q3CTF Cup Play-offs...
AoS v WD
- [admin]OuTrA -
Aos defeats Wd in a 3 map game.
WCTF2: AoS had both techs under control...
WCTF3: AoS played from the beginning very offense...
WCTF1: Aos took tech control, both Quad and Haste...
The quarterfinals matches (week of May 22 - May 28):
E versus raGe
- -
]II[ versus NuTS
- -
Cx versus VS
- -
AoS versus WD
Qualified for the semi-finals:
NuT5 / clan E / AoS
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poll result

who will reach the final ?
ZP v NO / Au v DTF
Au & ZP
Au & NO
North Sea nations League
online QuakeCTF league
QuakeCTF -
- by Ebola
saturday report
The NSL (North Sea nations League) is an online QuakeCTF league in where Nations from around the North Sea area are invited to compete... a Q2CTF competition will be started first, expanded in the near future with a possible Q3 CCTF competition... maybe even a normal Q3CTF competition...
The following 10 Nations from around the North Sea area are allowed to enter:
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom.
The planned starting date for the NSL Q2CTF League Season1/Week1 is:
Monday June 12 until Sunday June 18 (week1)
As soon as teams cant play no more due to vacations the league takes a break...
Season-1 of the NSL Q2CTF league count 8 teams:
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom...
Iceland and Belgium could not form a complete q2ctf team (8 members, max 12)
Read more on the NSL site here:
[NSL QuakeCTF]
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Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
friday report
Season 9 and 10 News...
RSi new Division2 champ, ROK lost title because of breaking the rules...
- by [savage]EluSiVe
Sadly, the congratulations afforded to ROK on their winning Division 2 were brought to an abrupt end when it emerged that they had broken the rules and cheated in their final game against AFT. Although [ROK]Veneer apparently played in the game it became clear that the player was in fact not Veneer at all. Eventually ROK came clean and admitted that Flight was playing under alias...
ROK forfeit the Division 2 title. That honour now goes to RSi. ROK will remain in Division 2 for Season 10, and start the season with a 6 point handicap equivalent to the points lost on the standard tarrif of two default losses. No further
penalites or individual player bans are to be levied upon ROK.
We hope that this decision will deter other clans from breaking the rules, as many rules in this league are based on trust.
The Savage Q2CTF Season 9 Champions:
(Updated list)
* Division 1: HC HappyChaps
* Division 2: ROK - RSi
* Division 3: CBSI Capitalist Blood Suckers, Inc
* Division 4: DW Digital Warfare
* Division 5: YWN Your Worst Nightmare
Season 10 Registrations
- by [savage]Rico
With the end of Season 9, the time has come to invite clans to register for season 10 of the SavageUK Q2 CTF League. As well as registering, clans have the opportunity to make their preferences known regarding the LPB limit and the 7th map to be played in the upcoming season. Your clan MUST register for Season 10 if it wants to take part, EVEN IF it took part in season 9.
SavageUK Q2 CTF cup:
Cup Filling Up Fast
- by [savage]Rico
The places in the SavageUK Q2 CTF cup are filling up fast. If you want to be sure of a place you should email your entry as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
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[Savage Q2CTF]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
A Battle Of Two Titans
- by Caitiri @
saturday report
In a very close match, The Peacemakers lost #2 on the OGL Q3CTF open ladder to Media Games Online Network (the clan formerly known as MLA, the first match under their new name). MGON chose out of Pm's offered maps to play on Japanese Castles. After a few minutes of delays, rebooting and roster switching on MGON's part, the match got underway.
MGON drew first blood and snuck out with the first cap early in the game, but Pm came back to tie it up a few minutes later. Pm then got the next cap, putting them up 2-1. MGON kept up the offensive pressure, and tied it up shortly after. With under 5 minutes left, MGON got the last cap of the game. Despite Pm's enormous offensive rush, MGON kept the flag in their room and won the match 3-2.
Pm's record is now 13/2, MGON (MLA) is 14/1. We managed to get QTV on the server before the match started, here is the
in case you missed out on all the action (there is about 10 min of warmup time at the beginning, so have the ffwd button handy!)
In the OGL CTF open ladder, the Elite Strike/ZEN match for #1
has been rescheduled for Tuesday at 11PM EDT.
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