ClanBase CTF-Cup
Matches Played:
Premier League
NuT5 v SS: 4-7
X v TQA: 27-2
Second League
PDL v BRO: 6-2
Today's Matches:
Premier League
Second League
Premier League... SS new #1:
SS defeated NuT5: 7-4
X v TQA: 27-2
Second League:
PDL defeated BRO: 6-2
NUT5*Bs (flag) and NUT5*Quantor
Bs crossing the midfield...
He made it to his base and scores the first cap of the match.
OGL - European Open CTF Ladder
fuse Defeated ICE
map played: McKinley Revival

Euro Open Ladder
CL/CLL Championsleague
fuse wins fight about #1 CLL spot
fuse versus pLt: 23-1

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
New BW-Admin
Latest Version Info
Added detection of the cheat which enabled clients to move at several times that of other users.
- zarjazz -
See also CTF Observer: