CCTF Public Beta Out! - [cctf]thumper
The much aniticipated public beta release of Classic CTF is now available. The public beta includes a grappling hook, runes,
super nailgun, weapons stay, CTF Optimized Weapons Physics, as well as lots more. There's a new exclusive
high-quality map in there, too!
Classic CTF is a Quake 3 mod which is bringing back old school gameplay; merging the best elements of Quake and
Quake 2 CTF into the superb Quake 3 Engine. The Public Beta includes a lot of the major changes, but we'll be including
lots more features, like a whole set to make Quake 3 more clan match friendly.
The CCTF site has moved from www.quake3mod.com to www.captured.com