Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday November 25
ClanBase CTF-Cup
Second League:
GD v KfK: 4-13
NO v ZP: x-x
wildcard used by ZP
Today's Matches:
ClanBase Dutch CTF Ladder
genx v DTF: 10-2
genx versus DTF: 10-2
- by [genx]Che -
CTF1 was DTF choice of map, We each took eachothers flag and for the next 19 mins it was a massive battle for Quad control, With each flag carrier having to leave their base sometimes and do some good dodging. DTF even had their Flag carrier covering the quad and each side gave their all for quad control, Very good 0-0 game.
CTF2 was GenX choice of map and as we have shown in the past with bYc/NuT5 etc.. we are very strong on this map and can control it very well. DTF started with the amp and health techs, But after a few minutes of very good Quad control by GenX we managed to capture a few times and secure the amp for me in defence. In the last 5 minutes DTF did some all out attacks on GenX defence and after a few constant quad strikes on our base we lost the amp and they managed to capture 2 times, The last 3 mins were battled out in the middle killing each FC as they passed. The score on this map was 10-2 well played DTF was a fun and enjoyable game.
O G L Euro Open CTF Ladder
BBQ forfeit win over VSE
(VSE has retired)
Ip7 defeated 6Pac
Capture Showdown (q2ctf5)
ASF defeated NSM
Counterparts (lfctf3)
Ip7 versus 6Pac
Capture Showdown
The map was Ctf5 and this game was a real beauty.
The amp switched every five minutes and even though [6Pac]Stereo had a great night at defence [Ip7] attackers stole the flag 4 times. In the [IP7] base there was Chaos and disorder. A lot of killing and maiming ended in 3 caps for [6pac]. Despite furious attacking in the end [Ip7] managed to hold on to their lead.
4-3 final score to [ip7].
- Ip7 -
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Top 10
BBQ (Finland)
VSE (Norway)
Ip7 (Sweden)
DdB (Finland)
ASF (Sweden)
NSM (Sweden)
strYk (Sweden)
6Pac (Sweden)
noll8 (Sweden)
TAWM (Denmark)
CL/CLL Championsleague
Ip7 v OSS: 9-8
BBQ v NSM: 13-1
noll8 v pLt: 17-5

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Ip7 v OSS (9-8)
The first map was CTF1 and the game was fairly even. OSS got the
Amplifier and we got doc and Disruptor in the beginning. Overall the game was really intense, and quite even. OSS had some nice quadattacking and [Ip7]Boffa, [Ip7]Dashiva and [ip7]Styx grappled like hell up front. The game ended 6-5 to OSS.
Now to CTF2. They got the Amplifier in the beginning, and Ip7 got the Doc again. Also here an even game with a lotta hard fighting around the Quad. In the last few minutes of the game both teams had eachothers flags, and when Boffa, the tech stealing master, finally killed their flagcarrier the [Ip7] base was overrun and the flag stolen again. The game ended 4-2 to us. Final Score 9-8.
- Ip7 -
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Top 10
Gamespy Article
CTF Shootout Part 2
Quake3 Arena CTF - by Dakota
CTF Shootout Part 1
was a preview of CTF in Unreal Tournament with bits and pieces about Q1 and Q2 CTF...
For Part II, David "Zoid" Kirsch provides a wealth of information about CTF in Quake 3 Arena.
Go read it here:
What happened with the fifth map of Q3CTF ?
Yes there are only four maps in the box. I thought there was going to be five, but one was cut at the last minute (some sort of clipping problems from what I understand). None of the maps in the game were made by me. I have three ThreeWave CTF maps that I was hoping to put into the game but they left out for unspecified reasons. I am considering releasing the maps I made at another date after the game has shipped. We'll see how it goes.
Quake3... CTF unfriendly ?
I think people need to realize that CTF is not a major focus for Quake3.
Quake3Arena is a game centered on hardcore deathmatch and the raw carnage that ensures.
CTF is there because it's a fun game to add to fray!
Only 4 maps, Hardcore deathmatch, no grapple...
- Ebola -