OGL - European Open CTF Ladder
The current top 3 teams:
1) BallBraQuers (BBQ)
2) Kiss of death 13 (K13)
3) Impulse 7 (Ip7)
Only one map is played, the team with the most captures wins.
If both teams have the same number of captures, the frag count determines the winner. If that still does not determine a winner, the game must be replayed.
The attacker (challenger) must win by at least one capture (defeating the defensive bonus of 1 capture). A tie in captures results in a defender victory.
Only one map is played, If the match is to take place on two servers, all results, both frags and captures are to be added together to determine the victor. The attacked/challenged team will pick the order of servers to play on if the match is to be played on 2 servers.


If you are new to Quake2 CTF and want to learn the basics, then this is the place for you to be...

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