ClanBase CTF-Cup
Matches Played:
Premier League
7DS v PK: 4-9
Second League
Today's Matches:
Premier League
Second League
7DS v PK: 4-9
Ebola & WhiteSn@ke
Premier League war
PK win their first cup war after a loss against DTF and a draw versus TQA... 7DS is still struggling and lost al 3 cup wars they played so far.

[PK]Lagman, 7DS^WhiteSn@ke and 7DS^LaVey
We lost again :( but we fought hard... it was a nice and sportive war and there where no real problems. [PK]LagMan overflowed once (hence his name:) but was instantly replaced by, I believe, Dajuno.
I did the usual lava-diving I always do in ctf3, leaving the flag behind in the lava ;)
- 7DS^Ebola -
Q2CTF3, The Smelter, was played twice switching colours the second match.
PK started as the red team and won with 6 caps against 1... the second match ended in a 3-3 draw.