European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Monday - May 22
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Hall of Fame
HC win Savage Season 9
[*] Savage Q2CTF
Season 9 completed...
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] ClanBase CTF
[*] Icelandic Q3CTF S2 Tourney
Ice wins, PhD 2nd.
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q2CTF Cup
Play-Offs (Spring 2000)
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
May 22-28:
Play-Offs (Spring 2000)
Savage League
Next Season: Season 10
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
May 21/22:
Season-2: Week 2

[Hall of Fame]
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I've added HC (HappyChaps) to the * Hall of Fame * !
HC won Season 9 of the SavageUK Q2CTF League...
Congratulations HC ! :)
You can find the Hall of Fame
* Here *
[*] Top of Page
HC Victorious
- by [savage]Rico
Congratulations to Happy Chaps who once more lift the Division 1 trophy as Champions of the Savage Q2 CTF League! With an undefeated run, HC stamped their authority on their peers with more than a century of caps in their favour and a mere 8 against them. An awesome record indeed.
[Savage Q2CTF]
Savage Q2CTF
Season 9
HC (HappyChaps)
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Season 9 completed...
- by [savage]Rico
Thank you all for participating in Season 9 of the Savage Q2CTF League.
There have been a few hiccups along the way, but we hope they have not detracted too greatly from your fun. Roll on Season 10!
The Savage Q2CTF Season 9 Champions:
* Division 1: HC HappyChaps
* Division 2: ROK
* Division 3: CBSI Capitalist Blood Suckers, Inc
* Division 4: DW Digital Warfare
* Division 5: YWN Your Worst Nightmare
HC stamped their authority on their peers with more than a century of caps in their favour and a mere 8 against them. An awesome record indeed.
The Division 2 title goes to ROK with their 100% winning streak. A gargantuan 149 caps in their favour with only 9 in reply shows without question what a formidable side they are. Look out Division 1.
CBSI take the Division 3 honours, a mere point ahead of runners up QID, and no doubt both clans are looking forward to next season in Division 2.
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[Savage Q2CTF]
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup - Spring 2000
Q2CTF Cup...
POLL: Who will reach the final ?
- Ebolalala -
ZP will meet NO and Au will meet DTF in the play-offs!
To refresh your memory here are the poule winners and their results:
(1) ZP (2 wins) -
(2) DTF (1 win /1 loss)
(1) Au (4 wins) -
(2) NO (3 wins / 1 loss)
Note that results versus clans that left the cup are not included ! (poule-a)
The number 1 of each group plays against the number 2 of the other group in the semi-finals.
(ZP v NO / Au v DTF)
The winners play for the title (final), the losers play for third place.
Dutch Ladder
ZP v T2: 51-0 - (ctf1/ctf5)
NO v cD: 25-3 - (ctf1/?)
Cup - Spring 2000
Q3CTF Cup...
QTV for the Play-offs -
This week four matches of the play-offs will take place and a few of these will be broadcasted by QTV.
(you can find information about the adressess of the qtv at the war-info of a war.)
During the semi finals and the finals, QTV will surely be used. Lots of good luck to the clans who participate in the play-offs.
The quarterfinals matches (week of May 22 - May 28):
E versus raGe
- -
]II[ versus NuTS
- -
Cx versus AU
- -
AOS versus WD
[*] Top of Page
Icelandic Q3CTF Tourney
Icelandic Q3CTF Tourney
Icelandic Q3CTF Tourney
Icelandic Q3CTF Tourney
Q3CTF S2 Tourney
Clan Ice won the Icelandic Q3CTF S2 Tourney in Reykjavik this weekend. PhD second.
PhD-A came in 2nd in the Capture The Flag Tourney held this weekend in Reykjavik, Iceland. The team consisted of Twister as BillyBlanks, Cruxton as Cruxton, Deus as Deus, Xept as Xept, Active as K[Active] and for 2 games Pressure played as Angel. We like to congratulate Ice-A for 1st place.
Related clan links:
Clan Ice -
Clan PhD
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