ClanBase CTF-Cup
Matches Played:
Premier League
IQS v SS: 3-12
Second League
NO v GrG: 18-1
Today's Matches:
Premier League
7DS v PK
Second League
ClanBase Dutch CTF Ladder
fuse v X: 15-1
did you know that:
The one and only cap that Syco made for Clan X was the 100th cap against fuse ?
- Ebola -
The pictures on the right show Syco's successful flag-run:

TQA v PK: 2-20

[X]Syco... escaping

Syco took the pipe-route...
chased by Divine (quad)...
SnowMane chasing Divine.

SnowMane rails Divine
OGL - European Open CTF Ladder
! NSM new #1 !
NSM Defeats VSE on McKinley Revival
Score: 7-3 in favour of NSM
NSM moves up the ladder from 7 to 1
VSE down from 1 to 2.

Euro Open Ladder
NSM came over a 2mbit connection and hooked up the cpu's for playing on lan.
NSM started out strong, got first quad and amp, and from that on, they had control almost 100% of the game, with about 80% quad and amp in base all the time.
No complaints on lag, ping or PL whatsoever, made this a great fight.
source: [fuse]Divine