Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday - April 20
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] Justice Easter Cup on Easter Sunday...
[*] CLL CTF Help needed !
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at gamepoint.net
CTF Observer at iwarp.com
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
HC v I 23-3 - (ctf2/lfctf1)
Q2CTF2: 'Right from the start HC took control over the map...'
LFCTF1: 'This level there was more of a fight...'
A matchreport written by Railguyİ can be found at ClanBase here:
[ report ]
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
I would just like to add that we had some mass disconnects during the first map
Q2CTF2...but since HC had control over the quad from the beginning of the match, it
wouldn't have changed much...
But anyway, HC was the better clan (for this time...;)), GG!
- Sel]I[ -
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
Cx v TQA 4-0 - (wctf1/ctf3)
wctf1: 'Cx's better DM-Skillz gave them just that extra edge...'
ctf3: 'Both clans' defences were pretty well settled...'
A matchreport written by |ZillioN| can be found at ClanBase here:
[ report ]
Match demos can be found at ClanBase here:
[ demos ]
[*] Top of Page
Justice Cup
Justice Cup
Justice Cup
Justice Cup
Justice Cup
Justice Easter Cup (UK) on Easter Sunday...
As there's no Savage next weekend (Easter, don'tcha know) I have asked Uncle Slave if I can have use of the Savave servers to run a small "Cup" event - the Justice Cup (JC). =)
Time is short (and I have to sort out my fixtures for TJL this Weds as well, doh) so I'll get to the point:
[] Straight knockout, finals on CTF1 or LFCTF1, earlier rounds on CTF2 and CTF05b.
[] *Possibility* of no BFG on CTF1 final.
[] Probability of some other non-standard setting (no techs or no powerups [quad/ps]).
Limited numbers. 32 clans absolute limit. Some may get byes in round one.
Each round will be one 20 minute game.
Round 1A / Round 1B / Round 1C / Round 1D
Round 2A / Round 2A
Quarter finals
Semi finals
I need :
1) clans to apply. Teams of 6. Min 4 players. Signup: jc-play@justice-department.org.uk
2) some people to help admin it. email: jc-admin@justice-department.org.uk
I must have applications in before FRIDAY so that I can sort out a timetable.
This is not a Savage event, but I'll use Savage rules regarding timers, proxies etc. because it's easiest that way.
However there is no LPB limit.
- Rico -
[*] Top of Page
A anonymous source gave me this picture of the Justice Easter Cup wich you can win...
Q2CTF - Help needed...
We need your help!
- by [CL/CLL]Divine -
Since Pacifer is practically out of the game, we need to settle this tournament. We whish to complete this with another CL Championship, but then we need your help. We are searching for some programmers with some extra time and a heart for q2ctf to complete this.
Contact me in #fuse so I can tell you what we really need your help for, and then I will tell you about our future plans within the scene. We will need more admins and writers later, I will let you all know.
[*] Top of Page

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Q3CTF OGL Peacemakers Hang On to Top Spot
- by Twitch @ www.gamepig.com
The Peacemakers defeated Hong Kong Action tonight, to keep the #1 spot on the OGL Q3 CTF Ladder. The teams faced off on Bloodlust (q3wctf1) - always a low-scoring map - with Pm coming out on top in a squeaker, 2 to 1. With less than 2 minutes to go, HKA made a few furious offensive pushes and escaped with the Pm flag twice, only
to be knocked into the fog of death both times.
You can get a demo of the match from ]Pm[Recoil's pov
[ here ]
TeamPlay.net Q3CTF -
CTF Showdown
- by Twitch @ www.gamepig.com
The match between Reactive and Prediction was a no-go.
Reactive ended up forfeitting due to lack of players, which means that Prediction goes on to face
Michigan Liberation Army in the East Division finals.
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