ClanBase CTF-Cup
Second League:
NO v SQA: 17-1
SQA v BRO: 10-1
GD v GrG: 33-0
Today's Matches:
Second League:
NO v SQA (17-1)
The war was to played on XS CTF matchserver. Original admin was Bszzztealer, but he was still sleeping a bit, so I was asked. When I came on the server fortunately Bstealer was also there and the war started. Better late then never ;-).
- [admin] Killroy -
GD v GrG (33-0)
After the usual round of confusion and miscommunication, we decided to have our NL-BE party at SNT CupPalace. I'm not sure why, but both levels (2x ctf1) were to be played on dutch servers...
- [admin] Talita -
[Full Report]
ClanBase Dutch CTF Ladder
SPKs v TQA: 4-12
X v PK: 5-6
X v PK
Holy shit this was a cool war, X did win ctf1, PK did win ctf5.
PK did have a bit of luck when a player of clan X overflowed... without this the score could be different... to bad =).
Great fun again with clan X, sportive dudes, exiting wars as always... until next time and, XCor, eat my grapple =)
- Report of [PK]grem!
Translated from dutch :)
Savage League CTF
Next Season... and the waiting list.
The dates for the 'Cup' and next Season (season 8) are up on the Savage CTF site together
with an update of the waiting list...
Season 8 starts on 28-11-1999, that's within 2 weeks, wich maps are to be played isn't decided yet...

Savage League CTF