Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
ClanBase Q2CTF :
Au v KfK 12-4 - (CB Cup )
ClanBase Q3CTF :
NuT5 v deZ 1-0 (default win)
- (CB Cup )
NKVD v SuX 10-6 - (Dutch Ladder )
CL/CLL Q3-CCTF-League Soon
Hell yeah, it is getting closer, the first Public Beta is to be released this weekend, the|anthill|mob and VSE have had the priviledges to beta test it for a couple of weeks now, and I can only say that they're doing an excellent work. I will set up a CCTF league here as soon as all maps are released, they wont ship anymore than 2 (possible 3) maps in the first Public beta.
- [CL/CLL] Divine
Q2CTF League
Next Season...
All clans that want to play in the upcoming season of SavageUK's Q2CTF league must register even if they are already active in the league.
Savage Q2CTF League

[ ClanBase ]

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[ CLL ]
Savage Q2CTF League