Main Editor: Ebola!!
Friday - March 17
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
ClanBase Q3CTF :
Thursday's matches
SuX v QDB: 18-9 - ( Dutch Ladder )
RaGe v AoS: 2-1 - ( Dutch Ladder )
RaGe v AoS
- by KoeKieman (AoS) -
(translated from dutch)
We played bad on wctf2, rage won 2-1.
ctf3 was about the most boring war I ever played, this is because you can hardly cap on this map.
gg rage
BBQ and OSS fought out a battle for first place in the CLL ladder.
BBQ v OSS: 9-1 (ctf1/ctf2) -
Current ladder positions: BBQ:1 OSS:3
- by [BBQ]PRAYER -
We played fight against OSS which we won 9-1.
We finaly decided to take new member to BBQ, because since Meshuggah left to army we have been sometimes short of players. Our new member comes from Finland like rest of us. He is amazing player, specially on Q3 where we are moving when there is some good CTF mod for it which we want to start playing. So now i can gladly present [BBQ]ele who will bring new blood to BBQ.

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Q3CTF League -
Q3 Pointrelease & Matchservers...
[savage]Mr. B :
The new point release 1.16n will be on the SavageUK match servers this weekend... Please make sure you download and install it if you are playing this Sunday.
Savage CTF -
This Sunday...
Season 9 Week 2: q2ctf1 - McKinley Revival
Season 1 Week 4: q3wctf2 - Courtyard Conundrum
Not CTF........
'Q3 Capture & Hold' -
mod status: beta testing
The main idea of Capture and Hold is to occupy certain rooms and to keep these rooms, which means, defending rooms against the enemy team. Captureable rooms are marked with flags or banners. These rooms have to be captured by running over a capture-point. The concept of holding a room should be clear, kick your enemies in their asses, so they won't be able
to infiltrate your base. You will see the status of the rooms in your extended HUD. An uncaptured room (all room at the beginning of the game) will have white flags. Once a room is occupied by a team, the flag color will become the respective teams color.
Capture & Hold