Main Editor: Ebola!!
Tuesday November 16
ClanBase CTF-Cup
Premier League:
NuT5 v PK: 10-1
TQA v SS: 1-8
Second League:
ZP v BRO: 34-0
Today's Matches:
NuT5 v PK... The Smelter (q2ctf3)
Q2CTF3 Round-1 / NuT5:Blue PK:Red
Time: 14 -
Flagcarrier NuT5*Gunsmith almost made it back to his own flag to cap but got fragged in the hallway below the megahealth and lost the flag... at the same time bS was in position and grabbed PK's flag, crossed the midfield, and made the capture
... NuT5 v PK: 1-0
Time: 12 -
Gunsmith's connection locked up while he had PK's flag on his back... he was hanging in the air at his own base entrance and got fragged by [PK]LagMan after a few seconds.
Time: 8 - bS caps... NuT5 v PK: 2-0
Time: 6 - bS lost the flag at his own base entrance... he was close !
Time: 5 - bS makes the last cap of the first round... NuT5 v PK: 3-0
Q2CTF3 Round-2 / NuT5:Red PK:Blue
Time: 17 - LagMan caps... NuT5 v PK: 0-1
Time: 13 - Rufus caps... NuT5 v PK: 1-1
Time: 12 - Quantor caps... NuT5 v PK: 2-1
Time: 11 - Rufus caps... NuT5 v PK: 3-1
Time: 9 - Quantor caps... NuT5 v PK: 4-1
Time: 6 - bS caps... NuT5 v PK: 5-1
Time: 4 - LD caps... NuT5 v PK: 6-1
Time: 4 - bS caps... NuT5 v PK: 7-1
Final Score: NuT5: 10 / PK: 1
LagMan... just before he made the only cap for PK.
O G L Euro Open CTF Ladder
Ip7 defeated ASF
Capture Showdown
6Pac defeated TAWM
McKinley Revival
Ip7 v ASF(8-5)
Against ASF we played ctf 5 as usual :) they got amp at start but after some wild attacking we got it, along with doc, and haste (i think). now it was christmastime for styx and ve up front. they made 8 straigth caps, while our defence kept our flag at home. this was 15 minutes into the game. then the game turned. ASF attacked hard and good, stole amp and some other techs and started capping! they managed 5 caps before the game was over. although ASF made a good comback, we were never that worried. In the end we had quite good control, and mangaged to keep asf attackers out of our base.
- [Ip7] jox -
6Pac v TAWM(14-2)
Today we got our revenge on Tawm in the OGL-ladder. We played Ctf1 and won with 14-2. This makes us nr. 5 in the ladder. Thanks for the match Tawm, I'm sure we'll meet again.
- [6Pac] Sir -
Automated Timers now forbidden in OGL !
OGL HUD Timer Policy:
With the recent crop of automated and semi-automated HUD item timers for Quake2 (programs, scripts, proxies and otherwise), we felt a decision as to their legality in OGL matches was required. The line must be drawn now considering the arrival (and potential arrival) of new proxies to automate the game further.
Special item timing game/mod add-ons will no longer be permitted. The following rule will be effective immediately. Automated HUD Timers: Automated HUD item timing scripts, programs and proxies are not permitted for use in OGL ladder matches. Teams proven to use such methods will be removed from the ladder
immediately. Automated Timers include but are not limited to, the VSE Timer and Deathmon.
- OGL Jordan - (Volunteer Coordinator)
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Top 10
VSE (Norway)
BBQ (Finland)
NSM (Sweden)
Ip7 (Sweden)
ASF (Sweden)
6Pac (Sweden)
TAWM (Denmark)
OSS (Denmark)
DdB (Finland)
strYk (Sweden)
Clan FUSE (Sweden) retires !
Clan FUSE gave the following reasons:
1 - We've played most of the clans we wanted to play.
2 - Some of us are bored with Q2 CTF.
3 - Q2 CTF is dying.
5 - There are new games (Q3, TF2, Solitaire 2k, etc) looming at the horizon.
After almost a year's success in Nordic Q2CTF scene, [fuse] have decided to move on to other activities. After winning the Championsleague earlier this year and beating some of the best UK and NL clans, I think we are entitled to call them the best in Europe. Personally i think [fuse] was known as a well-behaving bunch of cool and skilled players and I bet we are all gonna miss them. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you are going to do next :)
- [CLL/CL] Nikodemus -
CL/CLL Championsleague
Ip7 versus NSM: 2-7
VSE versus CFC: 28-1

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Now that clan FUSE decided to quit every clan will go up one place in the ranking because
until now clan FUSE was the #1 in the CLL.
Ip7 v NSM(2-7)
We played ctf 1 first and lost it 3-0, and on ctf 2 we lost 2-4. nothing much to say. NSM was the better team!
- [Ip7] jox -
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Top 10