European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Tuesday - May 16
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q3CTF Playoffs... soon.
Season-2/Week-1 Results
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
May 22-28:
Savage League
Sunday May 21:
Q2/Q3CTF Replays from Last Sunday
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
May 21/22:
Season-2: Week 2

[Hall of Fame]
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
PDL v Retro: 9-6 - (ctf5/lfctf1)
Report by [admin]Railguy© at ClanBase:
[ report ]
[ demos ]
Q2CTF5: 'Draw: 3-3... Retro started very well. Hippy© captured three times in the first 5 minutes...'
LFCTF1: '6-3 PDL... At the start Hippy© and Miffy both got the flag and hold it for four minutes.'
This was a nice one. It was a war between 2 clans with equal strength.
Both teams played a very good game. At least for the people who where watching it. The first level was so close.
Both teams could have won it . The second level PDL was just a little bit better. Retro had a hard time in the beginning but came back nicely. If the had made one more cap it would have been a thrilling end.(but they didn't) Retro and PDL GG
PDL now leads their group (second league/poule-a) with 3 wins and 1 draw and played all of their group matches...
Retro lost their first war (2 wins, 1 loss) and are second, they have to play one more group match against RiP.
- Ebolalala -
Cup Spring 2000
Q3CTF Playoffs...
- [ClanBase]Nealz -
All matches have been played, and all best two of each poule have reached the quarter finals.
Let's have a look at which clans of each poule reached the play-offs:
Poule A:
1) clan E (UK)
2) Invisible Invincibles (Germany)
Poule B:
1) NuT5 [Never Underestimate These Suckers] (Holland)
2) raGe [Retaliated Artificial Genetic Enemy] (Holland)
Poule C:
1) Cx [Cicatrix] (Belgium)
2) WD [Wanted Dead] (France)
Poule D:
1) AoS [Army of Sin] (Holland)
2) Au [clan Gold] (Holland)
The matches of the quarterfinals which will be played in the week of May 22 - May 28:
E versus raGe
- -
]II[ versus NuTS
- -
Cx versus AU
- -
AOS versus WD
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In these matches the play-off rules apply so they will be decided in a best of 5 maps game.
So, all war-arrangers please have a look at the roster of poule A (all playoff matches are put there) and pick a date to challenge your opponent in the quarterfinals. Furthermore, I would like to thank all clans for their sportive
behavior towards the admins and the players . I also hope to see everyone back in the next Cup in autumn.
- [clanbase]Nealz -
BarrysworldQ3League CTF - Season-2/Week-1 Results
Last Sunday and Monday matches of week-1/season-2 in the BWQ3L-CTF league were played on map Q3WCTF2 "Courtyard Conundrum".
You can view the match results over at Barrysworld on the fixtures page here:
The current standings in each division can be viewed here:
- [Division-1]
- [Division-2]
- [Division-3a]
- [Division-3b]
- [Division-4]
[*] Top of Page

-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
B W Q 3 L - C T F
Season-1 Champions
Division-1: New World Order (nEo)
Division-2: Wanted Death (WD)
Division-3: Two Tribes (2T)
Division-4: Original Gangstas (OG)
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Week 3 Draws To A Close
- by Caitiri @
monday report
Week 3 in the q3ctfl losers bracket is coming to a close; 3 matches completed last night, with several more matches scheduled over the next few days.
First up is Knights Templar vs Celestial Order tonight at 11PM EDT. After receiving a bye the first week, KT was knocked down to the losers bracket by wfk, a very strong up-and-coming clan; Co forfeited the first week, then received a bye for the second, so they have yet to play a match in the q3ctfl.
Then on Tuesday, Elite Strike takes on deviate. ES was knocked down last week by a surprise upset from synaptic, who also knocked Canine into the losers bracket. dv8 had a tough first-week match against The Untouchables which knocked them into the losers bracket; they received a forfeit win last week over c@ck.
Wednesday has on the schedule a big match between Odyssey and relentless. These two clans faced off before in the first round, and O knocked rl into the losers bracket; rl then upset Canine to remain in the losers bracket. O was knocked down last week by The Untouchables.
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