Main Editor: Ebola!!
Weekend - April 15/16
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
Sunday Updates:
[*] Savage League: Q2CTF... 2 week break for Easter...
[*] ClanBase: Au v 666 (q3ctf cup)
[*] ClanBase: HC v IBM (q2ctf international ladder)
- Q2CTF Revival War... this Sunday.
Do u know that fuse is gonne play a fight on sunday for good old times sake ? =)
We will play a game against K13 on Sunday...
all members that are available gonne play... we gonne play 3 or 4 maps
Para (that is Paralyzer) can't play cause he is on cpl... all other members gonne play...
SieD, divine, nc, Ugglan, me (MadHof), Anime, Trade and so on...
It's a revival fight =) for good old days just for fun =)
So... looks like FUSE and K13 wants to play a friendly war to experience the good old q2ctf atmosphere... you know... how it was in the old days (few months ago ;)
Have fun FUSE and K13 :)... I hope all the players can make it so that the match can be played...
I'll try to do an interview (if I have time) with MadHof (and others maybe ?) sunday evening and publish it here on monday :)
Related links...
[ Site ]
[ Site ]
Icelandic quake scene at last...
QSI (Quake Organization of Iceland) was founded a few days ago (april 12 2000) by the leaders of the largest clans in Iceland.
QSI hopes to protect the interest of Icelandic Quakers and help them organize more tournaments and bring Quake-playing
more out to the public.
This is the Board of Administration:
Klumhru - Fresnik - [PhD]Pressure - hux|Azrael - fkQ|Guzto
More information (in Icelandic) can be found:
[ Here ]

Icelandic clan PhD
[ i ]
'Psychotic Head Drillerz'
is competing in the ClanBase Q3CTF International ladder
and are currently ranked #1...
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
2 week break for Easter .. -
by [savage]Slave
First, let me make it clear .. there are games this weekend and the
q2ctf League is still ticking along nicely with the only defaults being in Div4
due to a couple of Clans dropping out (Doh!) .. With 2 weeks to go it's
nearly time for me to do a rundown of the tables .. but not yet! .. that will
come next week. After this weekends games there's going to be a 2 week
break in the q2ctf Season. One is for Easter which means there won't be
any games played on April the 23rd (Easter Sunday). The servers will still
be there for you to play on if required, it just means there won't be any
League games running.
The following week is Savage's 2nd Birthday and
we have plans for that weekend :) More details of this will follow, but it will
include voting for and the giving out of The 'SavageUK Awards' and a
'Council Challenge' which is where Clans will be able to play against the
SavageUK Council on a map of the Clans choice. Like I said, more details
of this will follow in the next week or so.
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
[*] Top of Page
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Winter 2000
Final Au v RaGe ?? - Friday's matches
It looks like the final isn't played due to some puter problems a player of Au (Gold) had...
as far as I understand RaGe win because Au defaulted... or something... Au didn't even try... me don't know... :)
If Au defaulted then RaGe win the Cup (Gold ;) ... Au is second (Silver)... DTF is Third (Bronze)...
To be continued maybe... don't know... maybe a reschedule ?... I don't know.... :)
International Ladder - Saturday's matches
[sunday update]
HC v IBM 18-5 - (ctf2/ctf2)
Two games played in very good spirit :) IBM are a very nice bunch of chaps :)
IBM win 4-2 on their server, HC win 16-1 on their server, good fun had by all, thnx :)
- [HC]Psycho -
Dutch Ladder - Saturday's matches
[sunday update]
PDL v EDC 12-5 - (ctf3/ctf5)
Benelux Cup Spring 2000 - Friday's matches
pM v TFQ 23-0 - (wctf2/ctf2)
Demos of this match can be found Here
... Looking at the score I don't think watching these demos will be much fun...
Benelux Cup Spring 2000 - Saturday's matches
[sunday update]
Au v 666 22-0 - (wctf3/ctf2)
Clan Gold defeats 666 clan. Curious for the details? Then read on!...
Match report by MaDmaN at ClanBase:
[*] Top of Page
OSS versus NSM: 6-2 (ctf1/ctf3)
Hmmm it looks like OSS reinforcement and hard training has
payed off. In my opinion we are very even and and has similar
tactics. Techrespawn is damn important in a game like this, and
we had no luck in both maps.
First out was CTF1 (asusual:) Game was really tight and hard
from the beginning. OSS boosted up and got an early lead. After
that it was just crazy midfield fragging. At some point of the
game i got away with their flag but so did OSS with ours. Strange
enough was that OSS FC stod and cleared midfield from
railwindow. Not a bright idea i would say:) FC was killed and
score was 1-1. Time was running up and we was very happy with
that. But somehow we managed to fuck things up in the end and
gave OSS 2 fast and easy caps. Outcome 3-1 to OSS.
Next up was CTF3 an NSM went blue. Ofcourse OSS got AMP
this time also. They got a few caps before we got in position, and
after that it was just hardcore fragging. Map ended in 3-1 here
also to OSS. We almost got 2 more caps, but some lucky
respawn gay managed to kill FC in our on base, well OSS played
extremly good as always nowadays, not much to say about that.
Next time i hope for better tech respawn and perhaps the game
will be even more close. Thanx OSS!!

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
TeamPlay.net Q3CTF -
UTR Results
- by Jube @ www.gamepig.com
Clan Earthquake have defeated Random Acts of Violence! in 2 flawless maps. Final scores were:
1) [EQ] Defeated ]rAv[ (8 - 0) on Q3CTF2 - Troubled Waters.
2) [EQ] Defeated ]rAv[ (17 - 0) on Q3CTF1 - Dueling Keeps.
[EQ] had this to say on Teamplay after the match:
"rAv were great sports and darn good for 200 pingers."
Deoxyribonucleic Acid score a win over Darkforces in 2 maps. Final scores were as follows:
1) ·dna· Defeated {DF} (5 - 2) on Q3WCTF1 - Bloodlust.
2) ·dna· Defeated {DF} (12 - 0) on Q3WCTF3 - Finnegan's Revenge.
Extreme Carnage Defeated Random Acts of Violence! in 2 flawless maps. Final scores were:
1) ExC Defeated ]rAv[ (6 - 0).
2) ExC Defeated ]rAv[ (20 - 0).
Crayola Defeats RD
- by Twitch @ www.gamepig.com
In their OGL CTF Ladder match last night, Crayola Clan bounced back from their Teamplay UTR loss to ]Pm[, and defeated Red Dragons, by a score of 5-4. No demos yet, but we're trying....
Q3CTF League - Quake3Arena
BCTFL Update
- by Caitiri @ www.gamepig.com
With the RazerCPL getting underway, much of the quake world is at a standstill. There were a few matches tonight however in the BCTFL to report.
eXtreme Domination defeated TEJAZ in 2, leaving each clan with only one match left to finish up their seasons; EarthQuake downed Random Acts of Violence also in 2, putting EQ in a 2-way tie with Digital Annihilation for the East Division 2 title.