CL/CLL Championsleague
DdB v F4F: 14-0 (ctf1/ctf2)
DdB v F4F - Report by [DdB]NiteGod -
McKinley was played at TnX so we were a bit prepared of the result. Though earlier we had had a strategy thingie so at least we knew what we should do :P. At the start we got doc and they got the others... Both defended and we got most of the quads (dunno about their tactics...). Although we got the quads they were able defended well with doc/time/dist (!) at base. And we had a hard time to cap. The end nearing Sydan was able to grapple the flag from their base and so we got the only cap made. I think most of us were lagging our HTV guys speccing with 200-800 ping :P
Stronghold Opposition - our favorite map - was played at Bytch since eDome's were not working. Well that didn't bother us though one of F4F's players was having heavy problems with 999 ping. Well he got it somewhat working and the game started. I think we got at least amp/doc/time at the beginning so we had no hard problems keeping the game under our control. Though during the game some techs were lost (for a while), we managed to keep control and capped every now and then ending the map 13-0. So we won the game 14-0. Thanks for F4F for a good game with no spamming, laming, etc.
Demos: ctf1/ctf2 - fov: [DdB]Sydan
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[DdB]uutti enters rail-room with help from [DdB]Sydan..........

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