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Reports from the European QuakeCTF front 

ClanBase Q2CTF : Sunday's matches
WYB v GD: 8-6 [ctf1/ctf5] - ( Dutch Ladder )

IQS quits playing Q2CTF
Read more about it Here


OGL Q2CTF European open ladder
BBQ defeated NSM on Stronghold Opposition (q2ctf2).
Current ladder positions: BBQ:2 | NSM:4

Oh boy, lots of weird things did happen today. We had first OGL-fight in ctf2 since... umm, well long time ago. Netstorm were bold enough to choose our favourite map and actually were really close to win. We ended up playing the whole fight on a finnish server, so nice. We did get a nice start and everything seemed to be under control but then everything turned around and suddenly we were loosing the match. Still around 2 minutes to go they were leading 5-3, but then we got a lucky strike and managed to cap 3 times in one single minute. So finally we won 6-5. Btw, neither team complained about ping, chain, rail, pl, weather or anything like that :) Malle and furi had a little problems with their connections tho, which wasn't nice at all. Anyways, really nice and intense fight, be sure to check the demos if we or NSM manage to get some online!
- BBQ Nikodemus -
Euro Open CTF

Q2Admin 1.7
(Saturday 26th February)

Protection against the new Ratbot

Added new ratbot detect of the latest ratbot.
I think this is what everyone is waiting for....

- KillerBee -

More info here: [ Q2Admin ]


Quake3Arena - CTF Map News

Q3CTF Map Repository
Frenchy of the Q3CTF Map Repository will
soon review Captive Honour (gefsctf2)

Captive Honour - gefsctf2

CTF Map News
