ClanBase CTF-Cup
Premier League:
IQS v PK: 0-22
Today's Matches:
[PK]Inty, with flag, crossing the midfield.
[IQS]Furax and [PK]Crovax are duelling and waiting on the bridge for the quad.
[PK]LetaliZ just fired a rocket out of the rail-room... the rocket has Furax's name on it ;)
Savage 3tCTF League
Last Sunday... 3tCTF3, Rendez-vous with Death
NKO versus Rv versus BBC: 2 - 0 - 21
DS versus TF versus SPKs: 22 - 2 - 2
DS is leading with 21 points followed by SPKs (18p) and BBC (17p)..............
TF, NKO and Rv occupy the last
three places in division-1.

Savage 3tCTF League