BWCTFL... Season 3

This seasons, season 3, schedule is up.
First round will start on November 18.
There are 16 clans divided into 2 divisions and 6 clans on the waiting list.
Some snippets from the rules:
- No Quad Damage
- All powerups are ON
- All weapons except BFG are ON
- Off-hand grapple is ON
- RATE setting is enforced at 7000 (max) on the (Barrysworld) match servers.
- cl_maxfps in enforced at 60 (max) on the (Barrysworld) match servers.
- Team size is 6 players per team.
Map selection will include non-symetrical maps.
Maps that will be played are: q2ctf1, q2ctf2, q2ctf3, q2ctf4a, q2ctf5.
Both teams will play both colours on the same map.
A match will consist of two, 20-minute halves.
Scoring is based on FLAG CAPTURES ONLY summed over both halves.
Teams receive 10 points for a win, 5 points for a draw and 3 points for a loss.
The season consists of each team playing every other team in the same division once.