European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Thursday - May 11
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Hall of Fame
[*] Savage Q2 3tCTF
SPKs win Season 4
[*] Savage Q2CTF
Important Map News This Sunday
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 matches
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
ClanBase Q3CTF Cup
May 8-15:
Last week of round 1
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Sunday May 14:
Start of Season 2 Q3CTF League
Savage League
Sunday May 14:
Q2CTF Week7 / Q3CTF Week2

[Hall of Fame]
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
European QuakeCTF
* Hall of Fame *
- by Ebola
I've added SPKs (spooks) to the * Hall of Fame * !
SPKs recently won Season 4 of the Savage Q2 3tCTF League...
Congratulations SPKs ! :)
You can find the Hall of Fame
* Here *
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Q2 3tCTF
SPKs win Season 4
- by [savage]LJ
Congratulations to Spooks for winning season 4 of the 3tctf league. DS came a close second (2 points behind), while in D2 LD50 get promoted with AFT who came a close second (4 points behind). See you all in Season 5 in a few weeks guys/girls.
[Savage Q2 3tCTF]
Savage 3tCTF
Season 4

Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Important Map News This Sunday -
by [savage]EluSiVe
We have been having a problem of getting LFCTF2 on the servers therefore to give you enough time to practice with another map. The map for this sunday will be Q2CTF05B.
A url for the link to the map is
[Savage Q2CTF]
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Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
NO v fcK: 12-4 - (ctf2/sumactf6)
Match report by [admin]Baal at ClanBase:
[ report ]
Q2CTF2: '6-2 for NO: Nice quadcontrol of NO, although fcK had some quad near the end...'
SUMACTF6: '6-2 for NO: Lots of crosssteals and FC fraggin. FcK base was under constant pressure.'
NO hold the better techs, and didn't lose them that won them the game.
Clan [NO]'the New Order' are on second place in Poule-B they won twice and lost once... [fcK]'fc Knudde' has a hard time
in the cup and lost all three wars they played.
- Ebola -
Au v GD: 48-0 - (ctf2/sumactf6)
[Au]'Clan Gold' leads Poule-B... they won all 4 matches they played and made 114 captures so far and only got 5 caps against them...
]GD['Gladiators' are struggeling and occupy the last place in Poule-B, they lost all 3 matches they played so far.
- Ebola -
BAD leaves q2ctfcup...
- Disintegrator -
Clan BAD leaves the q2ctfcup because the clan died. Good luck in the further quake carreer of you guys.
Cup Spring 2000
raGe v RoFL: 10-0 - (wctf1/ctf3)
Match report by [admin]KaI at ClanBase:
[ report ]
WCTF1: 'raGe win 5-0... it was a nice map and both teams where very sportive.'
CTF3: 'raGe win 5-0... RoFL had a good defence but *raGe* sure knew how to get passed it...'
[raGe]'Retaliated Artificial Genetic Enemy' won 2 and lost 1 war and are on second place in Poule-B.
[RoFL]'Roasted Fragging Liches' won 2 wars but lost 3 and occupy the fourth spot in Poule-B.
- Ebola -
GM v p: 1-0 - (wctf1/ctf3) - (default win GM)
[GM] is on third place in Poule-A (won 1, lost 2)...
[p]'prototype' are last in Poule-A with 3 losses.
- Ebola -
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Q3CTF League
- by Caitiri @
Odyssey Wins BCTFL West
Tonight, the final match for season 2 of the BCTFL finished up. The west division had a two-way tie between
The Untouchables and Odyssey, each finishing with a 6-1 record. In a best of 3, Odyssey managed to do what no other clan had yet accomplished: beat UT. All demos are chasecam from the official's POV.
The first map was chosen by UT, and surprisingly was not ctf1; instead, they chose Courtyard Conundrum. Most of the game saw heavy fighting, both in the middle and in the bases, and both teams were on top of tech retrieval. The game ended up tied at 2 a piece when the 20 min limit hit; in season 2 rules, a tie on caps would mean that frags decides the win, there is no sudden death, and O narrowly took this map on frags. Download the demo
The second map, O's choice of Finnegan's Revenge, proved to be a bit easier for UT; with intense battles over haste, UT managed to sneak out 4 caps to O's 1. Download the demo
The tiebreaker map came down to The Stronghold, chosen at random a few days prior. O kept great control over the middle for much of the game, keeping UT out of their base, but making it hard for them to cap. O managed to pull off one cap though, thanks to some timely escorting by the entire team; they were then able to hold off UT's constant assaults on their base, once narrowly avoiding a tie by picking up UT's flag just before they were to cap and killing the fc. The final score was 1-0 Odyssey. Download the demo
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