After 2 rounds in Poule-A DTF now leads the pack after defeating SS with 10 to 8 captures.
DTF shares first place with TQA who also have 4 points.
GD occupies the number-1 spot in the second Poule-A together with fck (ermztr prr don't ask me. I don't know why there are 2 Poul-A's) but in this poule not all clans have played 2 rounds yet...
Current leader in Poul-B is Au. Again, not all poule-b clans have played 2 rounds yet.
* DTF v SS: 10 - 8
Three rounds where played in the Quake3 CTF Cup...
* GrG v PDL: 6 - 3
* TQA v pM: 1 - 1
* RaGe v SQA: 9 - 5
Clan OSS (3th) attacked BBQ again in an attempt to become number 1 in CLL.
BBQ v OSS: 19-2