Main Editor: Ebola!!
Saturday November 6
No more CTF Observer on Saturday's & Sunday's
From now on CTF Observer will only appear on Monday till Friday.
Competition matches played on Saturday and Sunday will be covered on Monday.
Also: CTF Observer shall not cover any European league or ladder that allows:
* Use of software that automates spawn-timing, the sending of teammessages and/or keeps track of other clients' status.
* Proxies
* CK/BFC/RW (Verbal chat programs) and similar. (Conference kill, Battlefield communicator etc)
* Auto-Aim-Bots
* Hacked .exes
* Any software that runs at the same time as quake2/q2mod and changes characteristics of quake2.
I'll now take a close look to the rules of the various European Quake2 CTF Competitions to check if it's still worth to continue CTF Observer in its current form...
if there are to many competitions that do not encourage fairplay then there is no competition to cover.
Quote of the week:
"Enjoy making the game too easy for yourselves."
- Ray Graham (RazorCut), President, Online Gaming League
(Regarding the automatic VSE-Timer)
Modifying the quake2.exe was what made the decision to outlaw the vse timer on ogl easy, but it was by no means the only reason to do so. If I'm not mistaken, zbots use a proxy too, without modifying the quake2.exe (at least they are called
proxy-bots all the time), so clearly that is not a test of whether something should be allowed..... What it comes down to is it alters the game that one is playing, and automates stuff.
It's not q2ctf and shouldn't be allowed on the q2ctf ladder. Start a vsectf ladder if people want it so bad. Maybe we can use aim-bots on the vsectf ladder too.
- MuadDweeb -
Automation, as muadweeb said it is automating everything. VSE needs to make a VSE_CTF MOD because this isn't CTF. This is "let's watch VSE see how much they can hack up quake before everyone stops playing it". You all know this won't end here. EVERYTHING will be automated. This isn't progress of any sort unless you consider cheating to be progress, why can't we just play games the way they were meant to be played ??
- wabbit D I -